@GiantPandaSakNo it's not broken. Something in your parameters is breaking it. Only thing I can input is it's not broken and maybe try putting -world high up in the parameter list.
@patoopato My guess is on that VPN ip you can create an account and within like 2 days it will be banned without even logging in. Same thing happens with public proxies.
@Douglife You gotta open a bunch of the Jagex clients really fast. AKA Spam click them open. Or open a bunch of them with CLI. This does mean if one of them crashes/closes you gotta close them all and re open all of them.
You can get banned without even logging into the account a single time. Normally that's only because of the IP. Either you can throw away the proxy like camaro 09 said or you just got unlucky with a false ban.
It does.
Mouse with the stop icon = mouse input is blocked. Keyboard is open.
Mouse and keyboard with stop icon = all input blocked
Mouse and keyboard with no stop icon = all input open.
What do you mean? It is useful!
Only thing I can think of is maybe making a better version of Medusa's account creator. Since I know a few people want to use it with authentication proxies and such. Plus it doesn't always return account creation correctly and it has issues with the temporary ip lock outs.
If you're running suicide accounts no. But in general I have always gotten fucked most the time when I bot on an account that was 100% hand trained. Other people do fine on mixed account (botted and hand trained). Also seen a lot of people complain about never botted accounts getting banned instantly. Most of them are brand new OSBot accounts so they're probably not that creditable.
@pizsle You probably had remember username on. The bot wouldn't load if it couldn't connect to the proxy. It would throw a message on screen about connection configuration error.
@Kangabr 2 things.
1. Make it one big script.
2. Use text files and make the .bat read and set values based on that txt file.
set "P1="
set "A1="
set "A2="
set "A3="
set "A4="
for /F "delims=" %%i in (proxy.txt) do if not defined P1 set "P1=%%i"
for /F "delims=" %%i in (accountList.txt) do if not defined A1 set "A1=%%i"
for /F "skip=1 delims=" %%i in (accountList.txt) do if not defined A2 set "A2=%%i"
for /F "skip=2 delims=" %%i in (accountList.txt) do if not defined A3 set "A3=%%i"
for /F "skip=3 delims=" %%i in (accountList.txt) do if not defined A4 set "A4=%%i"
java -jar "osbot.jar" -login user:pass -proxy %P1% -bot %A1%:0000 -world 500 -script myscript:paramsifneeded
java -jar "osbot.jar" -login user:pass -proxy %P1% -bot %A2%:0000 -world 501 -script myscript:paramsifneeded
java -jar "osbot.jar" -login user:pass -proxy %P1% -bot %A3%:0000 -world 502 -script myscript:paramsifneeded
java -jar "osbot.jar" -login user:pass -proxy %P1% -bot %A4%:0000 -world 503 -script myscript:paramsifneeded
Like above^ accountList.txt is the text file with the accounts which line 1 of that file will be set to A1. line 2 would be A2 etc. same was done with proxy. So all you gotta do is change out the accounts and proxies in the text file and not redo a bunch of lines. You could probably do the samething with -scripts and a text file.
Could always you know get a database or server and shit too you know.