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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. Looking to get a pricecheck on my ironman. i am the original owner of the acounts, the account has 1 2week bann or botting agility back in 2019.
  2. Looking for someone to get me 24-82 construction on a 15 prayer zerker. Lmk prices
  3. https://gyazo.com/bd2d78be3deae6de976181229bead7e1 Account has infernal cape, elite void and avernic defender.
  4. How are you gonna chin/nmz without leveling hp agian?
  5. zuzel111 is great. he got mine aswell in no time.
  6. Tbh Depends on how many of them you are going to need. if you need alot of them might aswell buy bulk of them and save you the time and pain of creating them yourself. they are not that expensive anyways
  7. Hey, Just wanted to know the pricecheck on this account. I know i'm not allowed to sell below 100 postcount. and i know my rep is not to great. all i want is a pricecheck
  8. yup i'm aware not trying to sell over this forum anyways, just wanted to know a pc
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