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Everything posted by lrdblk

  1. working for me, what's your issue?
  2. I kinda agree with you. But if you aren't afk-ing, dismiss randoms should be on. Never had an issue with it
  3. probably not very much. But if you're worried about risk, don't use any scripts
  4. do you have any special characters in your password? if so, remove them
  5. you could also have a dangling wire that's shorting out your board. or motherboard is screwed in too tight causing a short. Is there anything in the event viewer?
  6. I don't use that particular VPN. When my IP got flagged, VPN fixed it right away though
  7. GL just don't use the free version
  8. Works like a charm, thanks !
  9. using one right now, it helped me. let me know if you need some VPN recommendations
  10. Haha good I remeber when Pokemon Go just cam out, there was a couple bots out. They would let you walk like 200 KM/h, you could teleport all over the world. They didn't start banning people until 2 months in. Slow rolled the botters
  11. Don't bot pokemon go, they have a really advanced anti-bot system. If you do bot, start a new account and don't do it on your main
  12. I remember when I first created my RS account, i put my email in but never received an email. Went on like that for about 6 months until I logged in to the account page and noticed the email wasn't verified lol. I'm skeptical as to whether or not it matters
  13. Do you think that confirming a valid email address reduces chance of bans?
  14. brb on my way to closest mountain. need to decipher secrets. illuminati
  15. Read this 3 times and still don't know wtf you're trying to say
  16. Tired google it but couldn't find anything
  17. Does anyone know if IntelliJ has this sort of function?
  18. I posted 2 of my scripts open source. You could learn from them and ask me questions if you want too
  19. Have you just tried waiting? Was having the same issue, waited 45 min then tried logging in again and it worked. Sometimes it has to clear on Jagex side I guess
  20. Ahhhh that makes sense, thanks!
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