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  1. May I get a trial please^^
  2. Where you botting something that makes money, regardless of how small?
  3. long coinage = getInventory().getAmount("Coins");
  4. Occasionally it won't flick rapid heal in time and it will restore a hitpoint meaning I need to waste an inventory spot bringing rock cake. Not a big issue but it wouldn't do this in the past.
  5. Can I get a trial please?
  6. Can I get a trial of rooftop agility please?
  7. Came back to the game recently, ran this script to finish maxing an account and got banned (2 day) after probably 8-10 hours runtime over a few days. Is this the new norm in osrs? Am I just unlucky? Not sure how good Jagex's bot detection has gotten but I've maxed a main/pure with this script (melee and ranged) without ever getting banned.
  8. if (getBank() != null) { if (!getBank().isOpen()) { if (getBank().open()) { //sleep until bank open } } //deposit or withdraw, etc. } If you didn't understand anything after reading API you are going to struggle writing any script. Keep at it though, a basic understanding of java should suffice to make working scripts, the more Java/OOP you know the easier it will be.
  9. How long do you break between dreams?
  10. Same issue as guy above, my player will randomly leave dream with supplies (ovl/absorp) still in invent. Nothing comes up in the logger, besides the script terminating because it's out of dream. I haven't seen the bot leave dream while at the computer but I'm assuming it just doesn't sip absorption potions and ends up dying. This will happen randomly as the bot will leave dream at different times. Best I got was a 2.5 hour dream with supplies left but a lot of the time they go under 1 hour. Running my normal settings. Noticed this happening since yesterday.
  11. If you change the else if statements into if statements, your code will be able to run multiple statements one after the other (during the same onLoop()) instead of running one if else and breaking out and waiting for the next iteration. You might want to add sleeps if you do that though but it will still make it quicker than sleeping 700ms before iterating again. Also you might want to add small random sleeps between the seaweed withdrawals: else if (getBank().contains("Giant seaweed")) { if (getBank().withdraw("Giant seaweed", 1)) { sleep(random(5,15); } if (getBank().withdraw("Giant seaweed", 1)) { sleep(random(5,15); } if (getBank().withdraw("Giant seaweed", 1)) { sleep(random(5,15); } getBank().withdraw("Bucket of sand", 18); getBank().close(); And a randomised onLoop() return value, eg: return random(600, 800);
  12. No it's my own private script. On the topic of macro recorder, I don't like that you can't change keybinds so you need to type a ! in chat to start recording (shift + 1), everytime the recorder loops you will type a !. Sounds minor but I don't like taking any chances. You also can't add any failsafes into that script so it would break if someone were to open the door and another npc were to walk over the paladin or if it were to despawn due to a player or pet blocking the npc from moving.
  13. memelord123


    Due to covid I am spending a lot more time at home so I started playing rs again. I bonded my main and made myself a paladin thieving script that uses the same method as humans do to thieve paladins. I would get 6 hour logged sometimes with this script but wouldn't run it any longer than that in one session. 99 in no time. Planning on macroing other skills until I get at least 2k total. Pretty confident my main won't get banned as I have a lot of botting experience and am only using my own flawless private scripts. Before I quit I botted to max combat and 70 base stats on a main, 0 bans. Edit: Also got the pet at <90 thieving, don't care too much about pets but it was nice to get.
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