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Everything posted by Turkoize

  1. Turkoize


    replace muffins with deceiver and imateamcape
  2. I just sell nowadays really. Or I make my own then have it leveled for me then pay after.
  3. forgot to include this dude is adamant about having defense lol thanks bro ;)
  4. looking for something for a friend to get him started in the game. Max like 10m. lmk p.s. don't think you'll profit if you recover. You wont.
  5. learn to program in gui u fuckin nerd
  6. the hell is RSOP? click on some threads in the proper sections and see which ones are free, then add them to your account via a button. Login to the client and viola you have access gilberto
  7. Turkoize


    im a ass eatin profesionalll
  8. Turkoize


    mods i demand u take me out on a date
  9. Turkoize


    the fact you had any kind of power is
  10. I buy 85 miners at 30-35. This really isn't valued much higher than that.
  11. laughing while he rakes in fuckin bank lmaoooo
  12. tbf to us normal folk he hasn't charged back the gold he's bought from me lol
  13. Not to be a huge dick but can you release something first lol
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