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Everything posted by Turkoize

  1. DONT NEED NO MORE need 60/60/60 & nmz quests and skilling from will pay well. contact my skype, will be at work to arrange things
  2. Add me skype i think i got something you'd like 40/70/70 quested attack
  3. start one for alek
  4. dont know you that well, i guess i like you? I kinda trust you
  5. you gotta send me yours so i can show
  6. some chick was sending me nudes when it went down
  7. Vouch for muffins made me a script and it didn't work ever
  8. p.s. vouch for him sold me his acc with all the info and everything
  9. I think we all know how Czar got S3
  10. 83 you're the opposite of disgudting
  11. "what do you do in your spare time?" "shit post on OSbot" girl leaves
  12. you're probably on a spot that only has 2 aggro
  13. Doesn't need to be April first with you
  14. Got a lvl 95 wcer just that 8m has been botted on but two week cooldown
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