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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. it has value because people buy it in the same way that they buy gold for clash of clans or other games like that (i.e. to get ahead in the game). beyond that, for people like goldfarmers or goldsellers like kai/bogla, it's just a matter of currency. it holds that value with players of the game, so they know they can resell it at a profit. with cryptocurrencies, the general populace backs the value of a coin, with fiat currencies, a government backs up the value of the dollar (or coin), but with rsgp, the agency that backs it up is pretty much just players who are addicted to runescape
  2. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vannaka in edgeville dungeon? I'm not sure that the webwalker supports edgeville dungeon...
  3. He's only checking within 1 deviation - if he wants to generate a curve that's actually close to gaussian, he'll need to check 3, or else he'll just have the 68%. See the example that he posted above. Computationally, it's not worth dealing with values that have the potential to be incredibly outlandish (i.e. 5000, when you're looking for a value from 4000-4500). the chances of such a value occurring are incredibly small, but regardless, you only have to check one or two boolean statements, so it's worth it to just make the check. It does do that by itself, that's its purpose, but you're only checking 1 deviation in your loop: }while(dynamicReturn < (mean-deviation) || dynamicReturn > (mean+deviation)); You'll want to make that 3*deviation in both cases.
  4. the way you're doing it is fine, but you'll want to make it within 3 standard deviations to have a gaussian distribution - something like 68% of values are within 1 deviation, 95% in 2, 99.7% in 3 deviations if i remember correctly
  5. what i got demoted still one of my favorite people on osb
  6. Yes, the woodcutting one as well (and the CW one)
  7. Yeah, really depends on where the market sways, but BTC is exceptionally high right now, so you might want to wait until BTC (or another currency) dips to invest - everything has been skyrocketing recently with the insane amount of recent publicity.
  8. slow mouse = less bans = more money = happier = happy daddy ¡get on it!
  9. my script should be back on the SDN by the 1st of january, apologies
  10. Item, by default, has a method called 'getAmount()' that will return the amount of the item. Do like @The Undefeated said, but to be honest, it does not need to extend ItemContainer. public class ItemCache { private Item[] items; public ItemCache() { items = new Item[]{}; } public void setItems(Item[] items) { this.items = items; } public Item[] getItems() { return items; } } Wherever you want the items to be saved, define/assign the following: ItemCache cache = new ItemCache(); Wherever you want to update the cache (i.e. when you’re using the bank), call the following: cache.setItems(getBank().getItems()); Whenever you want to check the item cache, do the following: cache.getItems(); If you need any utility methods, you might want to make it extend ItemContainer, or you can design them yourself
  11. looks like im becoming an engineer
  12. Are you clicking on the same pixel every time, or within a set bounds?
  13. If you wanted to run it on a separate thread, it probably wouldn't be hard, to be honest. I'd just be very cautious of CPU usage because chances are that there's a reason why the developers would have decided against it.
  14. Relax a little bit - enjoy a meme or two.
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