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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. Had one, waiting to be reinstated. Should ideally be back on soon
  2. Managed to get coinbase to work, called my bank. Close thread.
  3. Coinbase keeps telling me that my bank is not allowing them to withdraw, though it's worked in the past, and apparently other people have had this exact same problem before, and my bank has no knowledge of them even attempting the transaction... I haven't heard of Binance; I'll try that now, and update the thread if it works.
  4. Buying with PP, Venmo, or some other payment service where I can use my card or bank account. Hit me up - trying to buy this in the next 1hr.
  5. muddies up the onLoop(). state system also increases readability and is perfect for a small script like this one. doesn't matter if you personally don't like it; it's a very good place to start because it forces you into good, structured habits.
  6. stop() would work - states are really just a framework of if statements that help you structure the script, like this: private enum State { COMBAT, WALK_TO_FIGHT_AREA, WALK_TO_BANK, OPEN_BANK, BANK, LOG_OUT }; private State getState() { if(getInventory().contains("Salmon")) { if(!fightArea.contains(myPlayer()) return State.WALK_TO_FIGHT_AREA; if(getCombat().isFighting()) return State.COMBAT; return State.ATTACK_GUARD; } if(!bankArea.contains(myPlayer())) return State.WALK_TO_BANK; if(!getBank().isOpen()) return State.OPEN_BANK; if(getBank().contains("Salmon")) return State.BANK; return State.LOG_OUT; } public int onLoop() { switch(getState()) { case COMBAT: //combat with guard break; case ATTACK_GUARD: //attack guard break; case BANK: break; case WALK_TO_BANK: getWalking().webWalk(bankArea); break; //other states that you have go here, implement code into each one } } this is a simple example of how you might use a state system with this script - it helps to clean up the script, so it's a lot easier to debug would also recommend looking at a few tutorials on starting scripting, like APAs tea stealing script.
  7. other stuff is passable, but this: public void moveMouseRandomly(int numberOfPositions) { Point[] pointArray = new Point[numberOfPositions]; for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) { pointArray[i] = new Point(-10 + this.random.nextInt(850), -10 + this.random.nextInt(550)); } for (int i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) { this.mp.getMouse().move(pointArray[i].x, pointArray[i].y); try{ sleep( 600); }catch (Exception e){ } } } definitely no. saw it in your warriors script and was wtfing hard
  8. The code isn't malicious and the script looks like it would work - good job A few recommendations: 1. I'd recommend using a State structure for this type of script; it makes the code a lot cleaner. 2. You're effectively making the same check multiple times to progressively switch weapons in every onLoop(). I'd try to (at least) use else ifs for this. 3. The script assumes that the player will have infinite food - maybe add a condition to log out? There's more than that, but those are good things to start on
  9. Should be back up sometime today or tomorrow!
  10. very scary, they should replace jad or all bosses with ur character
  11. Instead of doing research, I'd recommend talking to other human beings Good day and gg.
  12. It's commonly referred to as Ripple because of the company that made it. You're arguing a moot point (see: social norms and being a normal human being). Examples: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/ripple-cryptocurrency.asp https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/05/second-largest-cryptocurrency-ripple-may-have-run-ahead-of-itself.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/05/cryptocurrency-ripple-briefly-drops-more-than-11-percent.html https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/5127849/ripple-cryptocurrency-value-bitcoin-xrp-january-5-price/
  13. lol. XRP is the abbreviation. the coin is called ripple (?) https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ripple/
  14. ripple is on the up and up bud, bitcoin's utility is solely based on the fact that it was the first.
  15. Team Cape

    OSBot 2.4.151

    Thanks, dad bruh what we posted this at the same time
  16. Merry new years, buddy! Gonna look thru this later
  17. Not allowed on the SDN. You could commission a private script for it, though, and I've personally made a script exactly like this, and made some good profit from it! If you want the details, PM me
  18. similar to what dreameo said but you can just call exchangeContext() in the constructor X extends Script { //your main class private Y y; @Override public void onStart() { y = new Y(this); } } Y extends MethodProvider { Y(MethodProvider m) { exchangeContext(m.getBot()); } @Override public int onLoop() { //do something return 0; } }
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