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Team Cape

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Everything posted by Team Cape

  1. gross. dont plan stuff. if ur relaxed while texting her, u should be relaxed while talking to her. if ur not relaxed, even if u 'plan stuff', you're fucking yourself over. just chill
  2. christ this is beastly. i'd definitely be down to test if you'd be willing
  3. fire burn and cauldron bubble
  4. apply this and chances are it will be accepted and you'll have Scripter I
  5. Just pushed a bunch of updates to make the script run smoother and take up less CPU. Also added failsafes for bugs that people were talking about before Remember to report any bugs you have on the thread and I'll fix them Wow good job! Will definitely be adding this
  6. probably wouldnt have used a while loop inside of the thieving case (i looked at it like 1hr ago this is just what i remember) because it strikes me as a little unstable, but aside from that, looked ok to me
  7. if you care enough and are willing to, take 200mg caffeine before the test and you'll be focused. if you want to seek help from the school though, which is what i'd recommend, that would probably be a good idea. you could get extra time or something of that sort
  8. Exactly - blacks are statistically more dispositioned towards crime. But there's a 'why' behind that greater than 'DEYRE JUST CRIMINALS' that has been directly constructed through the past 100 years of American history, and when people (like the poster) choose to leave that out to make the point that "they're bad and they're all criminals", it can easily sway those uneducated in American history... like most Trump supporters.
  9. Wow it's almost like black people have historically been subjugated into poorer, far more debilitated neighborhoods, and hence are statistically more biased to crime than white people. Haha what a silly idea! Of course history doesn't affect the world today!
  10. if (inventory.isFull()) { return State.DROP; } else { tinRocks.interact("Mine"); return State.MINE; } You should not be interacting at all in your getState() method. getState() is purely for 'getting the state'. Thus, it should be: if (inventory.isFull()) { return State.DROP; } return State.MINE; //because you already know the //inventory isn't full because it didn't returnState.DROP //hence you don't need the 'else' Also, you might want to consider checking if your player is animating. You need to either use a conditionalsleep to check when your player has stopped animating, or you need to make a new state that is validated if your player is animating. Otherwise, when it's mining, it will keep finding other rocks to mine, and will click away from your current rock. Also, it's very inefficient and costly to initialize an object in your getState() method. I'd say it's not inherently necessary to do so either, so I'd recommend finding a way around it. currentRock.interact("Mine"); sleepB(1500); Rocks will not always take exactly 1.5 seconds to mine. I'd look into conditional sleeps here if I were you. Or, like I said, make a new state, and just break the 'MINE' state directly after interacting. Also note that you should be checking if the rock is a null! You might get null pointer exceptions when running the script. Edit: my bad looks like you have a check for if your player is animating. I'd implement a conditional sleep after interacting with the rock that checks if it's a null though
  11. which part specifically? e.g. 1st obstacle, 2nd obstacle, etc Ahh ok. The issue is that whenever I test, I am zoomed in completely. I'll add that to a list of known bugs on the initial page. I can add in a safety check into the script as well though. Might not catch all instances, so I'll put it as a reminder on the first page. EDIT: Check the "KNOWN BUGS" heading on the first page. If your zoom does not look like the zoom showed in the photo, THAT is likely your problem!
  12. im doing it now on varrock and haven't gotten the issue yet after 10 runs. I've added in a failsafe just in case (should be available this weekend). how often does it happen?
  13. dang i forgot about this for a couple days lol
  14. no one will share and crash their own moneymaking methods bro. you gotta find ur own lol
  15. Team Cape


    Dude needs to be banned. He obviously tried to scam - Paypal doesn't just charge back > 1 payment randomly. He was obviously trying to scam, then realized it wasn't working when he lost the first dispute and that he'd only get a small amount. Now he wants to come back so he can just scam more later on. It's literally this simple. Can we just ban him and get on with it?
  16. From my perspective, it's like this: Multiple people ( e.g. @Sysm / @Starcraft ) have said that he charged back. Paypal doesn't magically charge-back and open disputes by itself - the act is committed by one of the traders. The fact that he did this to more than one person is further proof that it was not a mistake. Now that he realizes that he's not going to lose TWC, and that he could get a lot more if he just sticks with it and scams more people later, he'll be refunding back the measly $20 that he would've gotten otherwise. It's as simple as this: He charged back more than one person (hence it was not a 'mistake') He attempted to scam for a small amount He realized the small amount wasn't worth it - he could scam more if he waited instead of starting over again from a different account. He refunded the small amount so he could get a bigger amount later. He shouldn't even come back with TWC. He needs to be banned, or else he will undoubtedly scam someone unknowing in the future. It's pretty much case closed. TLDR - It's proven that he tried to scam. Why would we let him do it again?
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