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  1. Saiyan Livecam rn https://youtu.be/I2UYSFtlQ5Q?t=160
  2. Well Id say chances are very slim aslong as youre botting accounts are on a different IP as youre main account and Id advise you to not log in on the same IP as youre bots ever on your main otherwise your main will be wiped aswell so you better not have logged in on that IP with youre main but yes you can get banned but the chances are super slim almost non existent
  3. I also wanted to report something after you teleport away from zulrah to clan wars you can be stuck at the teleport where it never moves away it will still say Teleporting in the Status will post the logs next time I get the bug occurs usualy after 40+ mins
  4. Royal


    Asian Guy definetely mirin those skills
  5. nah you are good to go the odds on auto clicking are so low I remember using ghostmouse and garyshood for upwards 8 Hours never even got a ban and if its randomized even better just dont go 15 hours straight lol
  6. Well for me I think personally that Stealth and Mirror have the same banrate mirror maybe 5% lower but in the end the same so Id rather go more Clients which use less CPU but ran multiple accounts
  7. Royal


    and this is to go even further beyond Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to be continued haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to be continued
  8. You should list trough which provider you want to pay
  9. VIP is bound to youre acc so its not a problem you keep your VIP Status on any PC
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