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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Final

  1. Who? I don't know a member on OsBot called Assume.
  2. I'm requesting clearance from Maldesto and the rest of the staff to make this possible in the future.
  3. RELEASE DATE: 2nd August Currently Released in Beta, calculations may be slightly off, feel free to submit bug reports! Final's Staking Calculator Final's Staking Calculator is the most advanced staking script ever created. Created by Final, a developer of Final's Splasher, with over one thousand unique users. Final's Staking Calculator is the most advanced staker ever created. It calculates your odds to win duels using an advanced algorithm. Are you tired of being poor? Get Final's Staking Calculator and make millions! Features: Calculates % chance of winning duel based on your stats vs their stats Item support (Price checks any item) DDSing Whipping Boxing DScimming Upcoming Features: Magic Stake Support Ranged Stake Support User Requested Utilities! FAQ: Q: How do I get updates? A: Updates are applied automatically every time the script is ran. Q: What % odds should I use? A: I recommend people use 70% odds if they are scared. I personally use 52% Q: Do you guarantee I will win if I have odds on the opponent? A: Of course not! No matter your odds, staking still has a degree of luck. You never know when this will happen: TOS: I am not responsible for losses you may incur based on losing stakes. I may add to or edit my terms at any time, by continuing to use my service you accept these terms. Buying a lifetime auth entitles you to support for the lifetime of the script, not your lifetime. All calculations are based upon my estimates. You (the customer) are in no way entitled to a refund if you disagree with the calculations. You are not guaranteed to make a profit. Losing money while using the script or the calculator does not entitle you to a refund.
  4. Final

    More RAM

    Your CPU is maxing out and you are probably making it thermal throttle due to that.
  5. Imperial leather is my favorite, highly recommended.
  6. Fantastic work overall, she has unlimited access and availability to any scripers who have level 2 clearance and above.
  7. Final


    Leading the new botting world with an iron fist to these vermin scum.
  8. Your setup is fine, what quests are you using?
  9. Other bot communities must look really down upon us.
  10. So you are stating you never worked for YoHoJo at his Gold Shop doing live support?
  11. You value your time too high, yet you worked/work live chat...
  12. You've pretty much thrown a ton of buzz words/jargon into a question... You can do it however you like, it doesn't really matter within a script, as long as you aren't trying to call GC.
  13. Final

    PC vs Screen

    Must have taken you around 1000 hours of skilling to get that waste of money.
  14. It's odd because your picture looks similar to the majority of scripts.
  15. Any PC worth it's salt in the 21st century.
  16. I don't know why people still aren't wise to this. There used to be a service where you could pay a monthly fee to have a 'bot' cover everything, web-hosting, emailing to your email list, attaching to new domains when the current one has been flagged, spoofing the mail... If you get phished, especially on Runescape and you are below the age of 70, you deserve to be hacked.
  17. If i can actually secure the Battle.Net account (obtaining registered email) I'd pay 20m for it.
  18. You should recognize your issues. If you seem to become worked up, find the source of what is working you up and recognize what exactly is the cause and how to fix it, otherwise you are going to have a poor temperament and make your situation worse. It's a potential that you suffer from anxiety based mental health issues, depending on how you are feeling and it's actually quite important you consult a GP if you feel like your mental health is something out of the ordinary. Things such as panic attacks, anxiety, inability to do daily tasks without overthinking and working yourself up are common 'symptoms' If you feel like you aren't getting anywhere with finding a job or you aren't currently in education, it's fine to feel low. Everyone wants to achieve their potential and if you aren't making any progress, think about what you want and construct yourself a little plan on how to get there. You might be miles off but you can set yourself milestones in the meantime, you need to progress yourself, it's how people keep sane. It's also a good idea to keep yourself consciously engaged into something, people who are much more social are going to have an easier time, they aren't going to have enough alone time to work themselves up and begin to overthink on their issues. I'd really recommend you to reflect on jobs you haven't got and recognizing with the proper mindset of why you didn't accomplish it, the problem more than likely isn't you and if it is, you can take the time to progress. You've really got to be prepared to fail, but not set yourself up for failure. Everyone has rough patches, sometime within everyone's life something bad is going to happen and you don't become a great sailor by travelling against easy winds, you become a great sailor by keeping yourself on a course to your destination through the storms and all the shit that comes with life. It's good as a young person you've had this experience because it'll help in the future. I'm in the same boat, I'm a young person with my own problems. I also like to study Psychology in my free time.
  19. I think I've found the issue:
  20. I'll give this guy back his money and he'll get to keep the script. He can message me on Skype to arrange it.
  21. You didn't even listen to my side of the story before demanding me to pay him when he's received the script, what is going on here.
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