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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Final

  1. Your account being vac banned six days ago doesn't offer any reassurance of the quality. What's the difference between say me downloading sources for the same features from MPGH/Unknowncheats? Is there anything somewhat intricate behind the scenes?
  2. Timekeeper. It took me a few seconds of being in the chat box to realize he was a special child indeed.
  3. They've recognized a vast amount of their viewers are using third-party services, myself included (Don't send me a letter again ISP). Creating a better means of viewing for international audience would have circumvented this mess hugely, just chuck a few commercials in there; this alone would be a better effort than going after individuals you believe are trying to watch your show.
  4. Don't look for specific models. Fixate on specs (do not look at fucking graphic chips), you mostly want an ultrabook CPU (U series) so the battery life is much longer on a standard 40 - 60W laptop battery, as well as the laptop being very lightweight. No point overpaying for features to be wasted, especially when the laptop will drop in price faster than new OSBot permisson updates. Look for something: Cheap, lightweight and has a 'ultrabook' CPU which is apart of a newer generation. How do i know? I carry a fucking Lenovo Flex 16, touchscreen, 860m, 1920x1080 and 16gb ram with a decent ultrabook cpu... It weighs a ton and I could do what I want on a tablet simply using cloud services such as Google Docs.
  5. I botted my main by using a combination of my own scripts and some free scripts available.
  6. >Used OSBot >Osbot is free to use. I meant recent activity, I thought this was implied but evidently not. Your methodology was incorrect just like the rest of the people that get banned when attempting to circumvent bans. Our solutions are not perfect, neither is any other public bot on Runescape; without an incredible amount of innovation we will never even get close to what it was like in 2011.
  7. Sweet, so you thought it'd be a really good idea to start botting suddenly on accounts which I assume had less than an hours activity on over a large period of time and thought you'd buy public script, use a public bot and bot for an extended period of time without any diversion tactics in place, or what is seems like any research into modern runescape botting. Chances are you used a VPN and got chained because people use them for all sorts of shit on Runescape. Meanwhile I'm sat here with my fully botted main because I'm not a dumbass and blames FREE programs such as OSBot for my own misconceptions of a reality that is well documented on the internet. If you want help seek it, research, read, trial and error; don't expect a pity party.
  8. That's the saddest thing I've ever heard all day. Sorry for your loss bud.
  9. Final

    Stealth Quester

    The script is perfectly fine from what I can see. The script is clearly using standard API methods and offers a large amount of quests to the user. The expense of the script is clearly proportionate to the amount of quests it's offering and the price it is currently established at, you could flip a profit from the script within a matter of hours and simply reselling your quested accounts. I am concerned however at the amount of times this script has been ran under the creator's supervision, there is clearly a lack of fail-safes that may need to be implemented by the scripter and not the API itself and as a result, some extraneous circumstances can massively conflict with the scripts functionality. $15.95 + $5 a month for a script which allows you to use this script INFINITELY is clearly a bargain, when I could easily run 3 accounts, make them into a nightmare zone host and self them for more than that, all possible within an hour or two of running this script. EDIT: Just to reflect this point further, you aren't paying for 'premium' anti-ban, you are simply paying for the massive amount of features within a single script, the OSBot standard is to use OSBots methods, which he clearly IS using. If you have issues with the interaction the bot provides, please contact a developer.
  10. I think you know, what the image is trying to portray is that you know, we begin as a simple default character in this world, you know and we mold our own destiny, you feel me? Like full circle shit dude.
  11. Time to let all my real life friends know I still play Runescape.
  12. No shit, lol. Unsure why I quoted you in that post...
  13. Are you trying to advocate that I can't look into your life choices equally as much as you can't look into others? What a weird world, huh?
  14. Says the one trying to get out of mandatory military service...
  15. I don't really know why people make the analogy of "you could have achieved this in x time of doing that", you could apply that to anything really. I find playing video games fun, I find progression fun and it's what drives almost anyone to play or do anything, competing against others, yourself and what not. It's also what drives me to learn, being in an infinite cycle of wanting to be better than where I'm currently at. But yea, fuck games, fuck fun and fuck the world.
  16. Yea... Let's just do that for 13 separate photos and clog a page with a single post... while (heroSucks) { debug("ur bad"); }
  17. The accessibility was unreasonable anyway, by no means should a script have so much control as they have had in the past. I believe an automated SDN for already approved scripts would be very helpful, we could weed out malicious code for those updates and keep awful scripts out by having a manual review process as we already do. It's a step in the right direction regardless.
  18. Not actually a bad laptop, just looks fucking awful.
  19. TFW is correct, the client handles data in a very obscure way keeping some data loaded when logged out. You should always check your login state to be 30 before peforming an action otherwise this will create increasingly annoying issues. Ultimately youll want to make sure there is an item called coins in your inventory (the item is not null ) and use this instance to invoke the method, as well as if you are in game before attempting any in game interactions.
  20. Do you guys just pluck numbers out of your ass? 25M+, the strength is next to nothing in the grand scale, but the fishing and mining combined is worth over 25M. I'd be looking for around 25M - 45M for such an account honestly.
  21. It was a massive mistake on the Runescape team to keep developing the game with the same engine they had, especially within Java. At the time of EOC, we should have had a massive re-haul and probably had the game rewritten in entirely different language, the game is muddled and clearly shows a lot of laziness from developers, lack of a standardization for how to implement new features, just sort of swapping in and out some code here and there, when sometimes they need to completely revisit a whole feature. I'm disappointed that it has taken RS3 to develop as much as it has, however it comes as no surprise that OS is lacking since that is what we asked for; little to no support was originally planned anyway.
  22. I mean it just allows for greater flexibility for the user and covers all the grounds. Allowing the most flexibility on something like this is where the power is at; You could also add some utility tasks such as walk to x area or a specific action one may find relevant.
  23. You'll begin to find statistical mathematics a little obnoxious, as you are taking Computer Science I would highly recommend discrete mathematics to complement this. Flick through some content of each and I'm sure you'll know yourself what you'd really like to do.
  24. I was thinking along the lines of having a collection of them, whatever is reached first, whether it be my fishing level reaches x level or my runtime is x time or I have reached x fish.
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