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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Final

  1. Just sounds like you are talking complete air. How would one conclude that you are a bot based on how you react to an item you may or may not know is there? This is the type of logic which has kept botting communities in the stone ages.
  2. Final

    R8 My Setup

    Rate the deal. You'll probably find another fairly cheap soon, so i'd just buy it and SLI if you are FPS whore like me.
  3. Final

    R8 My Setup

    970 is a very questionable choice since there are cheaper and better alternatives now, but i rate 8/8.
  4. Started development of a game similar to this too. Using Java and GL.
  5. Final

    new cbas

    ... we also need someone to unban me from the chatbox.
  6. Final


    Yea if you are LUCY or something.
  7. Try not jerking it twice a day for a week, would do you wonders.
  8. Don't ever make your reason to live to be about money, you could be dead broke and live a good life. Do what makes you happy and give yourself a purpose. Eat well, have a good life routine and work out, even if you don't like that shit.
  9. Will pay $1.12 per mill on paypal and $1.08 on skrill. add me on skype: final.scripts
  10. my skype is final.scripts need a couple mill.
  11. Have confidence in yourself and that only you can do things the way you do it and that if you really can't find anything to support a reason for you to be a programmer (projects), chances are you really should be reconsidering what you are doing with your time. Realistically if you tell them you haven't worked in a business environment previously, they aren't going to land you into the thick of things and watch you squirm because that's simply stupid. You don't have to downplay your abilities at all.
  12. You are right about the russian botnets selling sock5 proxies. However you are dead wrong about the resources required, creating a sock5 proxy is almost nothing in processing power and you could run 20+ on a standard 512mb box. The issue is finding a legitimate supplier who can sell you more than 8 ip addresses on a single box which you can't do without a valid reason (ICANN's rule I believe). Most cheaper suppliers (~$1) will be using illegitimate connections, attaching to other slaves or simply reselling the same I.P with different information, or finding a bulk amount of weird located ips such as Romania.
  13. In my opinion, payments should be funneled to OSBot for Escrow while a grace period can be used to secure accounts more. More senior accounts (1+ years old with previous recovs) should only be allowed for sale by a respected seller who can be responsible for it's security.
  14. So now individual scammers have a harder time, but someone who has a little time and a proxy or some friends can have access to a market with now less competition... We need to remove post count on the spam section, we need people to report spam posts and we need people to stop being naive when purchasing accounts from less respectable members. The only way to fix account scamming is by shutting down the market entirely, the closest thing to this while keeping the account market is by only allowing 'verified' members which have many vouches and are overall respectable sellers.
  15. Gonna run this now because I have nothing better to do. Edit: Doesn't function, started it in G.E with cash.
  16. The beta has been submitted for reviewal, during this time calculations may be slightly off and if any bugs occur please PM me.
  17. NecroBot is pretty sweet, It was written so so so poorly in the first versions but it's progressively getting cleaned up. It's actually worth a read now.
  18. Very nice, I'm saving up currently to buy my parent's a car outright, shame it won't be as nice as this.
  19. QCK+ and a kana or a zowie ec1. Global elite and used many mouses as well as spoke to hundreds of people about their setup.
  20. I mean scripts are useless due to the fact they don't perform like a human and can often be mistaken when improperly programmed. Utilizing a staking calculator will only better your odds of generating a profit, by having an educated odds you can calculate the appropriate amount to offer, as well as understanding how much of an advantage you have. There are many people who have operated staking bots and made billions, so I'd say they're rather useful.
  21. He's literally just oversimplified the combat system to give or taking a few digits...
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