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Lifetime Sponsor
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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. if u still need to sell 0,95 tomorrow
  2. why make new threads? just bump it
  3. can do this, skype im.fishy
  4. First of all, this is a service not an account shop You supply the account (registerd) i complete tutorial island 50k extra and you supply items and i will get it to 7 qp 100k and i supply items 30k extra and i will do it with a proxy of your choice (you supply the proxy) price 1 account: 200k ea 5 accounts: 150k ea 10 accounts 125k ea 25 accounts: 110k ea Will charge extra 20k extra for complicated logins, this includes random usernames and passwords Or add 24h time on them My ToS apart from the global ToS is All will be hand done, can be manually recorded and sent as proof if you want so any ban on the account will not result in a refund All services will be done on osbuddy (rsclient if a recent update) unless you want it with a proxy and I will use osbot client (no script) Payment first, I dont care if you got 1fb or 100, not going first I will not start any services or take any payment before you get a confirmation on osbot my skype is im.fishy and im from Sweden ----- Service will most likely be started directly unless i specify anything else while we chat Like and comment here for 25% of on service under 1,5m
  5. titel, either pm me or skype me im.fishy
  6. 10-15m 13 prayer would've been better
  7. 10-15m Nothing special about the account, can't be made into anything really except a main, had acce with 92 fishing and 1400tot which got 20m offers, because it's not used for anything
  8. Would account is worth 300m without ban 100-150m with ban That being said with your current FB I'd say between 75-100m, maybe 130m with PayPal
  9. @Realist is the realest
  10. Tehgousch

    nmz ready

    15m without quests if you dont trust me we use mm
  11. i paid 150m+ for 99 from 70, on topic, i can do it for 50m to 85
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