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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. got a 89 qp account which should have most reqs for questcape
  2. add me skype, going to create a few anyway, im.fishy
  3. got a 71 range account 31 hp, also 99 fletching and about 70 mining if you are intressted in some work on it
  4. if you are not looking specific for a lvl 3 i got one if you add me on skype, im.fishy
  5. as far as i've noticed its hard to get a position unless you know some1, and be prepared to pay a deposit close to 500m
  6. I got a nice starting main if u are interested, add me skype
  7. Ty Ty Ty Ty Ofc I was thinking of bot farming on a few accs and leveling some others
  8. got 89 qp almost 93 fishing (think its like 3% from 93) maybe 600k in items mem and f2p
  9. nah its me, bought 50m already
  10. im looking to buy 60m osgp hit me with offers, if no good offer within 5h i will purchase from any goldselling site,
  11. Okay so first of all I am low on cash so this will be my way to start it up My first goal is to Set up my farm Second will be to Pay suits scamquit (100usd) Afford 99 range on my 1 prayer pure Make 700 a month steady 1200 a month steady I expect to make back the 100 in a month after all expenses are paid for scripts etc Will update you below
  12. well im not a hardcore botter or anything but defently know my way around, currently only botting to sell account which i found out is the safest with my currently script, if you want to go big with me i suggest automated farm, some investings for vps etc and i can give more info on skype, im.fishy ohh and gmt+1 i think (sweden) I really need money cuz reasons i can give on skype
  13. Tehgousch


    add me skype, im.fishy
  14. if u still need i can make 5 a time, u suplpy runes to kill demons at wizard tower
  15. add my skype, i got an account 1k+ im.fishy on skype
  16. I can do the cannoning for free since I'm going to cannon my own account aswell
  17. Tehgousch


    2,7m bid ohh and btw, please follow the account selling form
  18. well if u have all stats needed + money for item i can do it
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