Hello here is where I will list accounts for sale / order
66 mage 40+ hp 6,5m
Currently only make if it gets ordered
33 mage accounts 1m
Tut island account (hand done) 250k ea (min order 4)
will be making those over time, will not make 20+ per order
40 mining 1m
30 smithing 4,5m (will come with 13-14 day membership 1,5m if you already have account
Waterfall accounts (30 att 30 str and witches house done) 4m 13-14 day member (1m if u already have account)
registerd accounts 10k ea
f2p pures (40 att 70 str 60 range) 30m
60 att 70 str 20m (25m if quested for dscim)
def pures
40 def 5m
60 def 50m
70 def 100m
75 def 150m
can do pretty much any account build except for quests, but if needed i got some people i can team up with who can do the quests