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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. am i blind or isnt there a bump feature??? anyways bump
  2. you misspelled gousch, anyway im here, whats up
  3. Tehgousch

    PC Skiller

    99 fletching with my fb is about 10-15 m think it's about the same with cooking maybe 12-17
  4. 60 att str 54 def, 45 prayer 61 range 68 magic also 70 agility
  5. Hello, i need the following quests: recruitment drive dragon slayer hero's quest big chompy bird hunting zogre flesh eater fishing contest forgottable tale creatures of frankenstein garden of tranquillity my arm's big adventure (with tai bwo wannai cleanup) Swan song lunars diplomacy (need 26k crafting exp to be able to do this quest aswell, should be included in the price) I dont have the items ready in bank, that is up to you leave an offer here or add me on skype im.fishy
  6. im.fishy added on skype 78-85 mining 32.5m + ores just need a confirmation
  7. i lost all motivation to grind when i got hacked and lost shitton of items so why not just buy some service on it need price on the follow seperate or in bulk 78-85 mining (mlm) 32-60/77 rc (zmi you will need to get pess) 60-61 crafing and lunar diplomacy (you will need to get supplies) paying extra if u raise a cat and exchange it for death while doing services and if you do some herb runs can pay in paypal or osgp your choice also need varrock medium
  8. I can most likely make 99fletching 60mining and some more stats skillet for 30m payment when done if u are interested
  9. 15m stats + quest Cballs not sure 50k? Cballs to be sure Timeframe 1week ? Got work on weekdays Amount of cbakka depend on equips etc, bins price is included in 15m:) You will keep all cballs left Open to discussion about price on skype Im.Fishy Always confirm on osbot before payment
  10. you need 100 posts in order to sell accounts:) just so you know
  11. To the right buyer 200-500m But value also comes from FB so for example chuckles could sell it for 450-500m while I would get maybe 200-300m from it tops I'd suggest trying to sell it on pa Really nice account and gl if u want to sell it!
  12. if im not wrong goldprices are higher? like 1 usd per m
  13. 30m with 70 range botted, i supply bond and account, 2 weeks max
  14. selling 300 sek spotify giftcard (lil over 30 usd) for 25 usd paypal can use mm if you want dont post chatbox thingy here
  15. What about a counter offer of 5gp? Btw I take offers on individual stats asweöl
  16. What is the point posting here? Thx I'm way to tierd rn
  17. Hello, I am looking to get my Ironman to later stage of the game and want the following stats Mining 73-99(leave price for 80 and 85 aswell) 63-83 hunter 20-55 Slayer (got d scim 70cb ) 73-99 WC 81-90 thieving 33-59 rc (I don't have pure ess and needs to be cosmic or nature) 60-99 fishing Barb fishing Also need alot of quests in the future either write your offer here or pm me it
  18. prayer lvl, and do you supply prayer ptos? and do you have void
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