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Everything posted by Tehgousch

  1. dam only 2 years to late....
  2. will you go first or use mm?
  3. dam haha sorry did not see, if its availible in sweden and you pay fees i can do pretty much anything
  4. i can level one to 40 att 50 str 40 range for 4m
  5. Tehgousch

    pc pure

    most likely liquidating my accounts in order to get money for my goldfarm so i was wondering about this acc is it worth getting 70 mage and quest 50 att and mith gloves (70 str aswell) or just turn it into a zulrah account
  6. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/jDrG3C/gskill-memory-f42400c15q32grr anything else except for those? cant find any in the same league regarding price as these that i can buy
  7. my friend said that he didnt know much about i7 serier but wondered if it could become a bottleneck=? and idk, the harddrive seems a little small
  8. well since we can only have the computers in the bedroom and the place we have for computers only fit 2 (barely)
  9. because i live in a 2 room apartment and my gf already have one pc so i cant have 3
  10. I need a new computer and what i need is be able to run 20-30 bots while playing csgo/lol/rust/battlefield any new game which i might want to play the budget is around 700-1300 is this possible want it to last a few years atleast what parts should i get
  11. Lucki add me Skype On topic 15m offer Im.fishy
  12. my point is that those people are not the smartest, the market works that you have alot of prices that will eventually stable because of the different questers, people like @Decode @Sysm and previously dbuffed can have higher prices because of their reputition. you are new and not even them charge 17,5m
  13. we tried it and it worked on topic, can confirm I am the one and only OO
  14. 17,5m? how long do u take to finish those quests, not even with 300 fb they charge that much XD
  15. probably recovered, looked the same on an account i recovered with a ban
  16. LOL? 1,75 seems more reasonable, btw hit sysm up
  17. it would be around 300-500m but without any fb, around 50-100
  18. i can make one for you (you have to pay for supplies)
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