anyone whos on the fence with this bot, honestly 100% buy it. ive never seen a bot so good. it does all the quests flawlessly. i have quested 3 pures in around 4 days with this. all cb 30-40 with miths and ava's. it uses safespots. and it uses poison for shadow of the storm. very very good bot. only thing id recommend is to buy all the required items yourself, and tele's swordfish (thats the food the bot uses) as it takes a while inside the GE. i spent around 15mins buying all items, tele's and food, then i leave the bot and 6 or so hours later its flawlessly got me ava's and miths with all sub quests too. honestly people. if you're like me, and you get banned on pures alot due to botting and things. then this is a must buy. no more week of hell making a new pure every month. now its just 1 day of getting req stats. then let it do all the work.