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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. Windows 8? What No SSD? What? I5 4460? What? Low end graphics card. Invest as much as you can into a PC if you use it a lot. You'll just regret it if you don't. If you buy decent parts now, it'll last you long and later on you can just upgrade key parts such as processor and graphic cards.
  2. Easy question. Before you answer. Who the fuck stands up while wiping?
  3. Stats doesn't matter too much, but these are min requirements: 60 Attack 50+ Str 1 def
  4. Just because we dont have any celebrating smileys. :yeye:
  5. Was thinking of doing this, but it would hop forever haha. I'll add a option for it later today. EDIT: Hops world if cannon is nearby.
  6. I actually haven't had any time to test this properly. So if anyone wants this to be perfect then just give me bug reports. I'll fix them. Proggies are welcome.
  7. Shudsy's OgreKiller Information Kills Ogre's Safe spot. Designed for Ranged. Requirements A Bow. Arrows. Setup Start in this tile. Features Attacks Ogre's. Walks to safespot if in combat and the safespot doesn't contain your player. Hops world if a cannon is nearby. Antiban Proggies None yet. Download Removed. Making something bigger. Changelog - Improved SafeSpotting. - Added World hop when Cannon is nearby. -Added Antiban
  8. Probably, but if you get all the above skills i think you'll have 42 hp
  9. Need a void starter acc. 42 att 42 str 42 mage 42 ranged 42 defence.
  10. Like, it would be better if you actually made scripts with new methods instead. Its kinda sad that you're screwing over people who bought premium scripts. If you're learning scripting or just doing this for fun or whatever. You can make things like cookers, fletchers and fighters. No need to make specific scripts.
  11. Still haven't gotten it on SDN yet. Gotta wait
  12. Shudsy's PlankCollector Collects Planks at Graveyard in 20 wild. Information Free to play money making method. No skills required. Requirements Food in bank. (30+ HP is recommended) Setup Start anywhere on runescape. Features Checks if player has full HP before leaving bank. Emergency walk. Returns to bank if out of food. Deathwalk. Will walk back to bank if player dies in wildy. Can choose your own food/how many to bring in GUI. Eats at 50%. Proggies None yet. Download Soon.
  13. Whole script is rewritten. Now comes with 50% less code and does exactly the same
  14. Yesterday NMZ/Barrows. 5-6 hours a day.
  15. You were deeply loved. Please leave prayer for Shudsy main 2k16
  16. Shudsy

    Webwalking bugs

    Would post this in Scripter section but not a scripter yet :P Sometimes the webwalker will try to right click a tile and select "Walk Here" and miss click 3-4 times before managing to hit the correct option. It just loops the action a few times. Another bug is that when the Webwalker enables run, it will often (nearly every time) double click the first time it tries to turn run on. Making it instantly turn it off because turning it back on a few seconds later.
  17. MASSIVE UPDATE! Now supports Stamina potions if you like to run a lot. Will withdraw in order 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 depending on what is available. Antiban added.
  18. No scratch that. No big upgrades coming. Webwalker fucks my shit.
  19. Stay tuned. Upgrading this.
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