I have come back to the script being dead 5+ times now. I think the cause of this is the bot walking into non safe zones after the first death and then being pked. I watched the bot die earlier today because it clicked the food, rs lagged causing the food to not be eaten, the bot kept on clicking the ardy knight and then died. After death the script started running to varrock and while running to varrock in a very weird back and forth pattern, a pker ran up and killed the bot. Now when you die to an npc in deadman mode, you lose your inventory and nothing else while your items in the bank stay safe but when you die to a pker you lose everything. I understand flaws happen with every bot but please add an option for the bot to log out after a death instead of running around like a headless chicken. Over 2m deadman mode gold has been lost because of this and at this point I have to either baby sit the bot constantly or stop using the script.