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Everything posted by compl3x

  1. Could I use this to chin / burst at mm1 / mm2?
  2. Can I get a trail please?
  3. Could I get a trail please?
  4. I've just got started with hunter so am catching ruby harvest's atm, it's catching them fine but once all my jars are full it seems to be walking to a bank instead of just releasing them all to empty the jars is there a setting I can change for this?
  5. Hey, could I get a trail please? I have your other smithing script but wanted to try blast furnacing gold over regular smithing
  6. Hey, Could I please get a trail for this?
  7. Hey, Could I get a trail please?
  8. Hey any chance of a trail please?
  9. I was using 26 planks not 24. Having switched to 24 it seems to be working with the demon butler now. Thanks
  10. Working perfectly using phials but struggling to get it to work with demon butler. The script keeps trying to take more planks from the butler whilst the inventory is full. I will continue using phials unless there's something I may be doing wrong? my inventory just has hammer, saw, coins and noted mahogany planks. I am doing mahogany dining tables using a mirror.
  11. Thanks, got 75 attack on my SOTD build with only 35 str in 3 days One question, I was going to run it on my gmaul build too for range but potions doesn't support range pot?
  12. Could I have a trail for this please?
  13. Yea sorry it seemed to keep running from GE bank to the herb decant NPC, I was running on mirror at the time. At Ardy South Bank atm and it's running fine for the last 20 minutes. Also on mirror.
  14. Edited, going to get a few defense levels first but script looks good. Cant wait to try it.
  15. Just bought this and also having the issues of not banking at castle wars and running away at GE, any place you'd recommend using to bank?
  16. Hi I bought your range guild script and loved it! Could I please have a trail for this and your other mining script to decide which one I should buy.
  17. Thanks for the response. Any estimate for the ranger?
  18. I have 2 accounts that I haven't played in over a month now that I feel like I somebody else would enjoy them. The first is an initiate pure with a kraken whip with over 9k hits left, addy gloves, and the following stats: The second is a void ranger with 91 range, 81hp, 31 prayer and 42 defense. !!This account doesn't have void armour anymore!!
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