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  1. @Zackaery amazing script - just one note; It appears that at the initial scrip start, it will deposit inventory, and then only withdraw the small pouch. Any fix to this? I believe it has something to do with methods 84-87. Perhaps the script isn't detecting a higher RC level that can utilize such higher level pouches?
  2. Script getting stuck trying to bank @ Kourend Castle. It appears the script doesn't register the door that needs to be open.
  3. Can you add the soul wars bank as available banks to utilize? Thank you!
  4. I've been using different scripts to play Runescape for over a decade, and this script is easily the best I have ever used. Within 2 weeks of testing on an iron-man restricted account, I purchased the pro version - easily worth it. If you're playing an iron-man, you typically need a variety of different scripts for each skill - but now, you just need this one. "click to script" is incredible - you can automate most skills with a personalized sleep pattern within minutes.
  5. @bamf_skiller is correct. Though in my experience, one ban on an IP isn't that much of a problem. If you're burning through accounts goldfarming green dragons, then you'll definitely want a few reliable proxies.
  6. next_god

    Fruity NMZ

    Haven't tried Barrows repair but Herb Boxes works well. I've stuck to default settings (Buy @ 1 million points) and haven't had any issues.
  7. next_god

    Fruity NMZ

    Void + MSB(I) w/RuneArrows = 76k/hour
  8. I'd like to request an auth - Will absolutely purchase when available. Looks incredible,,,
  9. All set - Thanks!
  10. Buying 30M via paypal, message me on here, thanks.
  11. Hello - I would like a trial of "APA AIO Smither". Thanks
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