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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Camaro

  1. Quests aren't too hard tbh, just takes a lot of time. Also, I think writing the scripts for quests give the account that was used a higher risk of being banned since you do one thing, stand around while you write the code, do another quest thing, stand around some more. Looks suspicious and might get you flagged. If this turns out to be true, it would take MANY accounts just to complete quests like RFD. Although its just a theory I have.
  2. -allow norandoms prevents scripts from starting now
  3. So if a monster spans multiple tiles, its actual position is always the south west most tile, so thats not a problem. I have a function deals with npc's differently depending on the # of tiles it spans, and I want to be able to use that same function such that I can pass it an entity without specifying the # of tiles as a parameter
  4. Is there a way to get the number of Positions an Entity takes up? I see the api has getSizeX and getSizeY, but those both return 1 for hill giants, which span 2 positions in the x and y direction.
  5. Seems like bonds are dropping too. Lets hope that sticks after the promo
  6. Camaro

    Zoom Control

    Simple class to help change the zoom Usage Extreme usage
  7. Does anyone else have a problem where the 'insert code' dialog just hangs? Cant seem to get past it
  8. I found that when I execute async events from inside of a blocking event, I had to manually call setFinished() on each one or else that would happen.
  9. Personally, 2012 was the peak with regard to botting. I felt invincible back then... untrimmed hp cape, 99 rc, 1b+ gp, suicide botting for days on end. Account is still here to this day. Although I would never attempt to bot on it again.
  10. you'll probably have to go through each post and manually delete it
  11. After going through many accounts, I've just realized that jagex sends an email asking to validate my email address. Does anyone have experience with validating their email reducing ban rates? If not, I guess ill find out within the next couple of weeks!
  12. I just ran it again and I dont see this happening. Did the mager give you the tinderbox yet? Personally, I try to make the bot mimic my own play style as much as I can, and one thing that I always did was keep the camera in one spot all of the time, no matter what. Sometimes, the webwalking will change the camera location when it tries to interact with objects. The control makes sure that the camera always goes back to the original position. Also just in case something else causes the camera to move.
  13. Happy Halloween guys!! JAR FILE SOURCE CODE
  14. Just put in a buy offer for bread at 1gp using that method. So id say its working, but I an on 2.5.60
  15. I think he copied that picture from a setup tutorial
  16. I've always read to never use ID's because they can change... but I guess that only applies to widgets?
  17. getinventory.interact() is not a valid method. Link to extremely useful Timing methods EDIT: Im incorrect, Inventory class extends ItemContainer so it does have the interact method
  18. At least this isn't as bad as when my brother asked me to make a bot for his friend to buy sneakers...
  19. I found that once I switched to using a proxy, I wouldn't get banned NEARLY as quickly Went from day 1 bans to just over a month until a ban
  20. There is an overarching problem with the way you are designing the script. It isnt mean to go down through the code and execute everything in order. This is how you have it: if (condition) do this if (condition) do this If both conditions result to true, then both actions are performed. IT should, instead, only evaluate one condition to true and perform one action per every time the script loops. This of onLoop as what you want to do in one moment of time based on environmental values at that instance. you should instead do: if (condition) do this else if (condition) do this for example: if (bank is not open) open bank else if (bank is open) deposit logs The first iteration of the loop. the bank is not open. So you open the bank. The next iteration, the bank is open. So you deposit the logs. Inside of each if statement, you can put more if statements to check more conditions, but try to only ever execute one action every time the script loops. After you get the hang of that, you can look into Events to contain certain actions, and execute 'mini onLoops' throughout the script. Edit: after looking at it more, I see that you arent completely ignoring else statements, but the banking function shouldn't be doing everything at once
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