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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Camaro

  1. Could you paste the logs that are printed when it logs you off? Go to Settings -> Toggle logger on the top of the window.
  2. Is it logging off when first starting the script or when world hopping?
  3. That would be a problem with the rs servers. Is the client not logging you back in?
  4. Should now be enabled!
  5. I only have free worlds available for now. I'll add members worlds in soon
  6. Made a little script to help show NPC roam areas on the screen Source Code Download Jar
  7. Theres a couple of null checks that need to happen for that to effectively work. Inside the lambda, w needs to be null checked. Also, w.getInteractActions() can return null if the widget does not have any interact actions, so that needs to be null checked. Finally, plusButton itself can be null. Null check that before interacting with it. You should also check if the array contains the string rather than just checking the first index
  8. The logout issue is due to the client thinking to bot completely logged out on a world hop. Enable cli command -allow norandoms to bypass it. The teleport issue is definitely a bug, ill look into it.
  9. public boolean run() { if (canProcess()) { process(); return true; } return false } for (i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++){ x = tasks.get(i); if (x.run()) { break; } } This will allow you to break the loop and reset whenever a task runs
  10. AIO SafeSpotter What it does SafeSpots any monster at any location using magic or range. How it works Using a custom algorithm, maps out potential safespots by intelligently simulating monster pathing and line of sight for a given monster. Knows when it needs to go to a safespot and which monsters are best to attack. Current features Looting Eating Progressive magic (will switch to next spell on level up) Safespot prioritizing Area restriction Bone burying Alching (add ';alch' to the end of loot, ex 'black sq shield;alch') All monster sizes supported Aggressive monsters supported Current limitations Only reachable monsters supported Planned features Banking GE support Potion support
  11. use a standard 'for' loop instead of a 'List.forEach' method in main. And you probably want break, not continue.
  12. Do you have the teleport option enabled?
  13. Open the logs and see what is printed out. It may be because you don't have the levels that I've set as a requirement for running the script (33 magic and 20 hitpoints). If that's not the case, try starting the script with your player already logged in.
  14. Some ips can get you banned before even logging in. Too many factors come into play to justify blaming the client alone.
  15. Great suggestion! Will add the ability to use any food item, including wine
  16. if you're talking about when the inventory is full, it should correctly drop lobsters/drink mind bombs to free up space. Please make sure it is not banking for another reason, like magic level is too low to get another wine. If thats not the case, let me know and I will fix it.
  17. Is it the same issue as the above? (Auto login appearing in the logs when script stops) Pushed something that should stop the script from exiting
  18. Thanks, will take that into consideration
  19. @D Bolter can provide proxies that have both
  20. Just get a proxy that has an http port and socks port. Then it would be the same ip address.
  21. Was just checking out osrsbox last night! Very nice
  22. You must be doing something weird in your code that's causing this issue. I have not seen it.
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