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Everything posted by Chikan

  1. Chikan

    Obby Tank

    Most polls that help pures get auto declined because the community doesn't like that, that is how some people want to play the game.
  2. Chikan

    Obby Tank

    I thought - xp lamps didn't pass
  3. Chikan

    Obby Tank

    Found my old obby tank - I want some suggestions on what I should do with it.
  4. Contact Maldesto for a refund, the scripters themselves aren't able to do them. How about instead of acting like an idiot, we leave proper feedback about what exactly is wrong/if anything is wrong in the first place. That way, Acerd over here can look into it and get it fixed. Looking forward to seeing you gone
  5. I posted the open source on the OP if you would like to look at the code without decompiling.
  6. HAVE YOU EVER FOUND YOURSELF NEEDING EPIC XP GAINS? "no not really you idiot" - you probably **!!WELL I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR YOU!!** "god damnit not another shitty low level monster killer..." - you probably CHIKAN'S GOBLIN KILLER ***EXTREME*** Download below-- (not obfuscated, feel free to decompile and take a peak) Edit: Something went fucky with the first time I uploaded it, but the new one should be the correct one. The other one was a borked export with some stuff I added not updating. https://github.com/ChikanOSBOT/Goblin-Killer-Sauces ^^personal git link for anyone having issues decompiling^^ ChikansEpicGoblinKillerEXTREME.jar
  7. Worthless to anyone who has no idea who Nahmir is, like me.
  8. The original owner should ALWAYS be able to recover an account regardless of how long you've 'owned' it. Which is why account sales around here rely heavily on trust.
  9. Did you sign up for any double xp streams?
  10. Chikan


    Now we just neede it in the shitbox, and all is well
  11. My shitpost on mald was better. I expected more from you
  12. If you aren't selling it here, then just disregard the part pertaining to reputation.
  13. Lemme just pull out my script folder and send you my highest earning skrept and hand it over.
  14. Chikan


    Welcome, hope you like it here.
  15. 100-150m if you had some better reputation. (Not including current bank wealth.)
  16. Mouse speed options would be brilliant
  17. This would be much easier if you also let it know what she might be needing it for. Light browsing? Text editing? 3D rendering? Simulation? This woman could be an aronautical engineer for all I know. I've got some time to kill and browse today if I know what I'm looking for, fren.
  18. Do you have any other ram lying around to test them out? If it's the ram issue, new ram will solve it. If not, then the issue is with the mobo and that'll need to be replaced to fix the issue. Also make sure there is no dust or otherwise inside the slots.
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