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Everything posted by Chikan

  1. Very important question, needs to be answered.
  2. Hey, so I'm trying to figure out how get a text value for this specific dialogue box. I've checked the widget debugger, and I've found getWidgets().containingText(229, "You must ask the foreman's permisson before using the blast furnace") != null This is what I can pull out of it, however when I go to try to use it if (getWidgets().containingText(229, "You must ask the foreman's permisson before using the blast furnace") != null) { hasPayedForeman = false; } After this my script goes into the task to pay the foreman NPC foreman = getNpcs().closest("Blast Furnace Foreman"); RS2Widget payWindow = c.getWidgets().get(219, 0, 0); if (payWindow == null) { foreman.interact("Pay"); Timing.waitCondition(() -> getDialogues().inDialogue(), 3500, 1500); } else if (getDialogues().inDialogue()) { if (payWindow != null) { getDialogues().selectOption(1); hasPayedForeman = true; } } } My problem is that it just loops between the two in I guess a kind of "spammy" fashion, instead of the boolean going to false while the widget is != null and then going back to true after the foreman is paid.
  3. 3/10 I was promised linkin park, but instead we get a muted video. Smfh Alek, I expected better.
  4. I'll definitely learn important things either way, my other choice was for things involved in Linux, Apache, mySQL, basically just covering the bases for DB's. Course description: This course introduces the use of a current commercial game engine, with the focus on programming, scripting, and the underlying math concepts in use to implement the graphical and physical simulation aspects. Following INFO-1150, it will focus on fundamental object oriented programming concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  5. I was looking for a vague, slightly related answer. The courses do have a syllabus for what they'll be delving into, but I guess I could have worded my question better. I suppose I'm looking for some more insight into what it's like to take these kinds of courses from people who have. (I don't really know anyone first hand from my uni who's taken these, which is kind of why I'm asking here) I'm still skeptical as well, as this wasn't my first choice. But since the school took their sweet time finalizing my registration for second semester, I got put to the back of the line in terms of choices. The actual title is "Programming with commercial game engines" -- So I'd assume I'll be expecting something in Unity or Unreal engine like you had mentioned. Have you ever done any work with those two game engines?
  6. I afk on my zerker from time to time, I've made some decent progress on it. 1615 total level -- quested, 94 mage, void etc. But, I'll admit most of my time spent in-game is just collecting data for my bot scripts.
  7. More quality jubbles skrepts I suppose
  8. Hey everyone, I've just recently gotten my schedule for my next semester and got placed into a course I didn't expect to get placed into. This course is for programming commercial game engines with C++, my question is, does anyone here have experience doing something similar? If so, what could I potentially learn while taking this class as opposed to a class more generalized towards C++ alone? (I realize these are broad questions, but any input to prepare me is appriciated) Thanks in advance for your responses!
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