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  1. Just bought this & I'm giving it a go on my (reg) main account, but I purchased primarily for use on my iron man - it'd be amazing if you could enable an option to leave stackable loots in inventory - ie. coins/runes/racks, as I (and many other iron men) use iban's blast to kill the brothers. Also, could you add an option to kill crypt NPCs only until the 100% loot is fulfilled? 11 is too many most of the time, but as the loot percentage is calculated off of monster's combat level (or HP level, I don't remember), it's currently not possible to make it get 100% every time with any certainty. Would also be fantastic if you could add support for holy wrench, as this decreases prayer pot consumption.
  2. tsh

    Khal AIO Agility

    - Mirror or regular client? Regular - What course/rooftop? Pyramid - Which obstacle? Selling artifact to NPC, script will Use artifact, but will then click minimap to attempt to stand 1 square away from NPC. Please change this to a check for if NPC is visible.
  3. tsh

    Khal AIO Agility

    Could you give me a trial for this? Cheers!
  4. Hey, would love to test out the deadfall portion of this script, could I get a trial? Cheers!
  5. Could I please get a trial for this? Cheers!
  6. tsh

    Molly's Orber

    Hey, I liked the post a while ago but wasn't given a 24hr trial. Would you be able to help me out? If this works on my iron man I'd happily buy it! Got about 22k orbs to charge
  7. tsh

    Molly's Orber

    About to do a bunch of crafting on my Iron Man, would love to trial this script before purchasing
  8. Also just caught it sitting at bank spam clicking the run icon.
  9. Started script, script wouldn't bank unless I opened interface & withdrew food (after that it withdrew cowhide - no horn as the shrine had a horn in it). I have seen this issue occur after the script has been running stably for a while, also. http://i.imgur.com/2ujATSh.png Mid-script, no issues apart from when started, but randomly refused to bank. I opened the bank, deposited inventory and it still didn't do anything. http://i.imgur.com/7pXMtNY.png
  10. I'll run the script again now and screenshot where it gets stuck.
  11. Banking doesn't seem to work unless I open the interface, bank current invo and withdraw food for it. Also sometimes gets stuck at 'Activate'.
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