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  1. I have an account that was like that with thieving and fming at 99 also no one was interested and a website only offered me $30. I personally think they are worth at least $70 but who knows.
  2. NVM question already answered above.
  3. Seth758

    Czar Guardians

    Lol I have been home with Covid, so I had nothing better to do then watch my bots today =p
  4. Seth758

    Czar Guardians

    @Czar I just watched it happens, it clicks the right bottom corner of the pouch, but it is a missclick as the pouch don't fill. It then tries to mine more rocks even though inventory is full and it didn't fill pouch.
  5. Seth758

    Czar Guardians

    I'm in normal rs mode and yes I have shift drop enabled.
  6. Seth758

    Czar Guardians

    @Czar I am still having problems with the bot not always filling pouches.
  7. Seth758

    Czar Guardians

    Hey Czar I noticed every once in a while it will miss click the pouch and then it never fills it after that.
  8. I can confirm the 11 part of quest i had to pause and resume script to get it to work.
  9. Script runs great except for the poison phases sometimes when it is walking back and forth it accidentally clicks on the exit barrier and a message pops up asking if you want to leave causing you to get hit with the fireballs casing death on maxed account.
  10. I was wondering if you can use someones house on w330 for tele methods?
  11. Hey just had to give some feedback, this script is great, love how simple the gui is.
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