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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by artkid0

  1. Well then, that would explain that reddit post also about crawlers xD
  2. What is the lp gain / lp lose on it?
  3. 1. Pictures of the account stats: Account #1: https://gyazo.com/67c5a925818dcabd1b4835bb83685d65 2. Pictures of the login details Account #1: https://gyazo.com/9e95062c87cf0c710dc440a621332cdd 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed Account #1: https://gyazo.com/8712927b1d5538d00afd8c5cd0c78366 5. The price you will be starting bids at 5m for each. 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account Account #1: 50m 07 7. The methods of payment you are accepting Paypal / 07 GP 8. Your trading conditions You'll find MM or go first. 9. Pictures of the account status Account #1: https://gyazo.com/27f3221465643e8ed9f98fb8cce8c1c4 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Me. (skype: miguelss.94)
  4. Ever since I purchased it, never got dissapointed. Definetely a fan of CZAR
  5. artkid0

    pick ya fav

    Idk why, but I just love #4
  6. Yeah it's clear to understand, and it's so good to see this Script doing so good since it's release. Well, once I get a lot of stuff done, I'll hit this up on all of my future accounts
  7. artkid0

    Done :)

    Speaking to you at skype. Accepted your request.
  8. artkid0

    Done :)

    Does the account have some kind of restriction? If not, I'm willing to do this for cheap tbh skype: miguelss.94
  9. Holy shit, Abdul is a savage.
  10. Hey APA, just want to know, you posted it changes world so it doesn't crash people, but does it do the other way around where if people want to or crash you, does it hop by itself?
  11. I'm actually go look into this, because I can't remember the last time I've seen someone with Gaming Glasses on the LCS stage, but yet again, probably on other games, people use them. Sorry for going off topic. Oh god, Ocelote xD But that's a lot for the help, and I just wanted to know if they actually help in any way shape or form. Sorry about the spamm!
  12. I think this ranges from 150 to around 400m max, based on PA and some other websites. People also pointed out your low reputation, but basically higher reputation gets you higher prices etc.
  13. Well I'm actually curious about this, because atleast for League NA LCS, there were some pros using gaming glasses a few years back, and now most of them just stopped using them. Are they just not worth the money? Or just basically do 0 for you in terms of gameplay/health?
  14. Thanks for spending the time making this guide, I'm actually just gonna save this for future account building of my own, since it's so detailed and easy to understand!
  15. artkid0


    It's another thread but basically a guy went over 47 worlds for over 8 hours where he typed usernames of bots and did some basic maths on how much GP these bots make.
  16. Haven't had a problem connecting to other websites and why would Jagex bother in the first place to shut them down? We keep the game alive
  17. Checked 47 worlds during the course of 8 hours. Now that is pure dedication.
  18. I also have reputation off-site and willing to use VMM. But none the less, it's your choice. Thanks for letting me know!
  19. Thats quite an interesting idea except that the moment I say Hello to anyone I talk to they reply: is it me you're looking for / it's me. I need friends.
  20. At first I was sad. And then after reading all the posts, Im laughing so hard. God is osbot random xD
  21. Well then, I think you should avoid going to boring places like restaurants, or bars and stick to something like Dieze said (cinema and etc), because even if you run out of topics or ideas to talk about, you can always talk about the movie and your favorite parts of it. Or just don't overthink stuff and have fun? Be yourself? Be confident? Idk.
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