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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Vilius

  1. I should care, because....?
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/91870-walkingwebwalkingarea/ http://osbot.org/forum/topic/90819-walkingwalkpositionobject/ pls, its broken afaik or just something is not working it will be fixed. But it might be that the script is broken too
  3. Sure, everything is fine when you look up a tutorial on another botting site with a different api. You need to make one for yourself Just place this in your onPaint() method and you should be set. Point mP = getMouse().getPosition(); g.drawLine(mP.x - 5, mP.y + 5, mP.x + 5, mP.y - 5); g.drawLine(mP.x + 5, mP.y + 5, mP.x - 5, mP.y - 5);
  4. the sleeps gave me kanker
  5. looks like literal shit nice, scripts
  6. Boom api: http://osbot.org/api Start from reading methodprovider class Boom basic tutorial: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ Go to local script section, download some scripts, decompile them, see how it works and stuff.
  7. "Right now i would like to know how to use the api, like how do i read the documentation and for example how can i make a script that does the following for now." So basically you want us to baby feed you?
  8. Dank memes, didn't do full 99 cause wanted to do a 99 party EDIT: wet cape
  9. So you mean, have another section in the profile page where scripters can show what scripts they made?
  10. So, I have spotted that not really everyone know how to set the client to fixed so here it is a simple tutorial for all of you Text: Open up settings tab -> Display -> Fixed mode button GIF:
  11. do you have special characters in your pasword? i.e !@#$%^&*()?
  12. But the real question is, will we get a kiss on the cheek from you?
  13. "with no java knowledge at all" so basically you are encouraging skidding, right? Plus, fairly bad code design you are showing for the plebs You could have done: public abstract class Task{ protected Script script; public Task(Script script){ this.script = script; } public abstract boolean active(); public abstract void execute(); public void run(){ if (active()) execute(); } } and just in the main class did: public int onLoop(){ tasks.forEach(task -> task.run()); return 100; }
  14. Not osbots fault, not scripts fault. Its your fault for using other un trusted clients like the clients that bots spam at g.e. You had a virus/got phished or something else happened.
  15. Your question doesn't really make sense, but you basically add the opposite corners of a rectangle/square. So you get those coordinates from the game and you place them in the correct place as "x1, y1, x2, y2" final Area YEW_AREA = new Area(x1, y1, x2, y2);
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