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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Vilius

  1. Aye, its the new knife, good skin, stattrak, but to really value it we need to see the pattern because people want to collect it with rare patterns and I must say its deffinetly worth more than 100$ as everyone is saying, you could sell it over 500$ to the right seller if you have a good pattern on the knife.
  2. Jet fuel burns at 800C steel melts at 1370 C. And there is no arguing that thats a huge difference.
  3. 9/11 must of had been an inside job in the twin towers, they used thermate to cut the iron beams. either way if the planes would have hit it it wouldn't collapse so fast because of structural integrity of the twin towers. Thats just my opinion Sauce
  4. I cant seem to join the chatbox, I get an error joining. https://gyazo.com/ab6f085db37add5367181c4119504ae7 Anyone else experiencing this problem?
  5. More info, he tried to scam a 130euro knife from me
  6. Lol's were made. https://gyazo.com/03d1f9ec8d8947828d6536e996786cc2 , https://gyazo.com/e44737fa9666e39660d2d35a600eb9cb , https://gyazo.com/e3e6589d47896151666e1ba196fdcda9
  7. Good luck man, looking really good fam :P
  8. Nah, coal mining at barbs with banking. f2p profit from coal alone bout 300k xD
  9. Just right now my mining bot got banned. its been botting for 12 hours with breaks.
  10. I tried logging everything, but don't seem to understand what do you want me to log with localwalker? WALK_TO_FISH("WalkToFish") { @Override public boolean canProcess(main script) { boolean inArea = script.ZONE.contains(script.myPlayer().getPosition()); return !inArea; } @Override public void process(main script) { if(!script.myPlayer().isMoving()){ script.getLocalWalker().walk(3109, 3433); } } }, This is how my walk to fish code looks like, it works. It goes where I want it to go
  11. Well its walking to the fish zone when its not on screen.
  12. WALK_TO_BANK("WalkToBank") { @Override public boolean canProcess(main script) { boolean inAreaPickup = !script.BANKZONE.contains(script.myPlayer().getPosition()) && script.inventory.isFull(); return inAreaPickup; } @Override public void process(main script) { if(!script.myPlayer().isMoving()){ script.getLocalWalker().walk(3183, 3437); } } }, i'm not sure whats happening, tried everything checked if everything is starting doing its things. But when inventory is full and its not in bankzone it doesn't walk to the bank. Even when inAreaPickup is true. Maybe something is wrong with LocalWalker? Even the almighty fixthissite doesn't know whats happening.
  13. Nevermind, canProcess is returning false. ;_;
  14. tried that, didn't work tho.
  15. Heyo! I'm Vilius! I'm a long time lurker now interested in making my own scripts! Few cool peeps: dudeami fixthissite
  16. Why its so important, was it life threatening? Depends on the situation.
  17. So I get an error with looting filter what am I doing wrong? GroundItem ashes = groundItems.closest(new Filter<GroundItem>() { @Override public boolean match(GroundItem groundItem) { return groundItem != null && groundItem.getName().equals("Raw trout && Raw salmon") && ZONE.contains(groundItem); } }); How do I fix that?
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