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Everything posted by Gilgad

  1. Found JigglyPuff in your avatar
  2. 75% of people on the multiple communities are the same people.
  3. Yu Yu Hakusho is great, takes about 10 episodes to build up, but you get hooked man, its great because theres like 80 or something episodes from the top of my head. If you want a really short one you can blow off in a day -> Attack on titan.
  4. Anyone know where they are? Need to check out mine for an assignment. Cheers.
  5. Give post count now. Fuck, just realised you guys have still messed with my account saying I love men.
  6. no, it's spam, spam isnt posting Post count pls
  7. I just laugh when I read comments of people saying "This is really inspiring! There is still hope in man kind!" And theres like 10000 thumbs up, because in reality they give 0 shits and wont donate anyway.
  8. I just come back every week and see the number of online members per day dropping. It will be blow 1000 soon.
  9. I thought OSBot 2 was supposed to be completed at the start of December 2013 .. ...... Laz I recommend purchasing workers, you have more then enough money and in the long run you'll just get more money.
  10. Maldestor must refund or ban, pls i good engli. i go to jamgex and they ban ur acc :'(
  11. Maldestor scemmed me, lik dis if u support and cri ever tim :'(
  12. w0t. u fucken wot fag. waow gay boi wot. this is bull shit. i demand refund, i open scam report.
  13. Well in his defence there's not much you can do as a global anyway.
  14. Just superheat... 75k xp/hr.. Faster + profitable.
  15. 3 mains in 2 months with 90+ stats? Nice VIP mate.
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