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About Yggdrasil

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Steel Poster

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  1. Yggdrasil

    Stealth Quester

    On client of kourend, it gets stuck on veos dialogue option 1 "who are you?", but after I fixed it manually it worked fine. Using injection on fixed mode. Also died on tourist trap quest somehow, but I didn't pay attention to how. Great script, but has some flaws
  2. 1. Quests Pirate's Treasure - 500K Big Chompy Bird Hunting- 1m Creature of Fenkenstrain- 1m Death to the Dorgeshuun- 2m Desert Treasure - 4m Elemental Workshop I -500k Ghosts Ahoy -1.5m The Golem - 800k Lost City -200k The Lost Tribe- 500k Sea Slug - 1.5m Shadow of the Storm- 1m Temple of Ikov - 500k 2. Discord name: SaveEdit 3. Payment - 15m 07 4. Yes
  3. I bought 150m and went first. He was nice, but the process was more lengthy than I'm used to. I used verified paypal/balance with an included note declaring for virtual goods. Additionally, had to forward receipt to his email. TL;DR: Trusted and nice guy, lengthy trade process
  4. Verified Paypal, taking best offer
  5. Yggdrasil


    If you still have it, I'll buy it all
  6. Only accepting Paypal from trusted users. We can use a MM, or you can go first. I'll go first if you're more trusted than me.
  7. It was late and I had to sleep, so that's why it was kind of rushed. If we can work something out right now, I'll still buy.
  8. I'll buy $150 if you sell it right now Edit: no longer interested
  9. @EXPYour inbox is full and I need to pm you
  10. EXP is doing the quests for me, so I no longer am looking for a quester.
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