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  1. Can you add a pre-Antipoison option for earth?
  2. Runs into a problem after armor is repaired. [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:32 PM]: [Status Update] [RepairExecutor] Talking to Bob [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:38 PM]: [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RestartExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:38 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RestartExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:38 PM]: [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RepairExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:38 PM]: [Status Update] [RepairExecutor] [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RepairExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:38 PM]: [Status Update] [RepairExecutor] Paying for repairs [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:41 PM]: [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RestartExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:41 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [FruityZulrah] Changed Executor to RestartExecutor [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:41 PM]: [ArmourSet] Equipping missing armour [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:41 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [ArmourSet] Equipping missing armour [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:42 PM]: [Armour] Interacted with x [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:42 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [Armour] Interacted with x [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:42 PM]: [Armour] Interacted with x [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:42 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [Armour] Interacted with x [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:43 PM]: [SupplyMonitor] Not enough Prayer potion [INFO][Bot #1][09/28 07:15:43 PM]: [TravelRoutine] Ran out of supplies 2
  3. Banking seems to be broken, doesn't find anything listed and just keeps searching. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] Withdraw missing items [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] Withdrawing 1 Divine ranging potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: Withdrawing: Divine ranging potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: [FruityBank] Withdrawing 1 of Divine ranging potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: [Status Update] [RestartExecutor] [FruityBank] Withdrawing 1 of Divine ranging potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:15 PM]: Interacting with Item: Divine ranging potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 04:29:18 PM]: Failed to withdraw Divine ranging potion(4)
  4. Trying different teleport methods. After tabbing to Varrock the screen just goes left to right continuously. Fixes if I run toward bank. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:16 PM]: We're in the correct crypt - let's fight! (Pray: true) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:16 PM]: Doing fight for Dharok [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:16 PM]: We have a target called: Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:16 PM]: Checking magic spell now [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:16 PM]: We're in the correct crypt - let's fight! (Pray: true) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:17 PM]: Doing fight for Dharok [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:17 PM]: We have a target called: Dharok the Wretched [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:17 PM]: Checking magic spell now [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:17 PM]: Breaking varrock tab... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:17 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 5s to wear" [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 03:15:19 PM]: Breaking varrock tab...
  5. Trys to use the strange lockpick on an empty inventory slot, fixes itself if I move near the next door. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: -- STRANGE LOCKPICK MODE -- [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: Generating paths to chest... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: Generated, and it's size is: 21 [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: Next door is Door and pos: [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: Attempting to open door with picklock... (8) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:29 PM]: Selecting [Use] on Strange old lockpick... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:30 PM]: Tile [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] wasn't visible, trying classic use_item_on_door way now... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:30 PM]: Item is selected, name is: [Strange old lockpick] supposed to be [Strange old lockpick] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Comparing x to chest_count x [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: TUNNEL WALK TO!! true [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: -- STRANGE LOCKPICK MODE -- [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Generating paths to chest... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Generated, and it's size is: 21 [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Next door is Door and pos: [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Attempting to open door with picklock... (8) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Selecting [Use] on Strange old lockpick... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:31 PM]: Tile [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] wasn't visible, trying classic use_item_on_door way now... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:32 PM]: Item is selected, name is: [Strange old lockpick] supposed to be [Strange old lockpick] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Comparing x to chest_count x [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: TUNNEL WALK TO!! true [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: -- STRANGE LOCKPICK MODE -- [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Generating paths to chest... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Generated, and it's size is: 21 [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Next door is Door and pos: [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Attempting to open door with picklock... (8) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:33 PM]: Selecting [Use] on Strange old lockpick... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 02:00:34 PM]: Tile [x=3552, y=9705, z=0] wasn't visible, trying classic use_item_on_door way now...
  6. Sits idle in house after tabbing. If I tele to bank it will fix itself. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:06 PM]: We're not prepared to open the sarcophagus just yet, preparing now... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:06 PM]: Preparing fight for [torag] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:06 PM]: No prayer restore found, going bank... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:06 PM]: Breaking house tab... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:06 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Wait up to 5s to wear" [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: We're in the correct crypt - let's fight! (Pray: true) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: Doing fight for Torag [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: For brother (torag) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: (PREP-CHECK): Unsuccessful - low prayer points [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: We're not prepared to open the sarcophagus just yet, preparing now... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: Preparing fight for [torag] [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: No prayer restore found, going bank... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:09 PM]: Breaking house tab... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:14 PM]: YES [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:14 PM]: Some of our effects can be restored via our pool! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:15 PM]: Just hit [Drink]! Waiting... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Building banking sequence... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 2434! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 7946! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 6585! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 12926! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 952! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 563! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 565! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 566! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 01:06:18 PM]: Appending item 8013!
  7. Sits in front of chest with this error. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:08 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:09 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:10 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: We need to open the chest and FIGHT! [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Doing fight for Ahrim [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Checking if we're prepped to open sarcophagus... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: For brother (ahrim) [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: (PREP-CHECK): Passed all checks for ahrim. [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Opening reward chest for brother (Ahrim) from [x=3557, y=9694, z=0]... [INFO][Bot #1][09/19 10:48:11 AM]: Can't find reward chest from my position [x=3557, y=9694, z=0], restart client or try hopping worlds.
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