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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Just so you know, human-like not equals to random. Hence if you were to replicate human-like activities/breaks through random breaks, it's not gonna work. What you need could be profiling. Where player A takes "X" breaks, player B takes "Y" breaks etc, and not just any random breaks.
  2. Vacation you mean...anyway master farmers are usually packed
  3. POE if you want to make money. Rotmg is pretty fun with a bunch of friends
  4. A system that tracks pattern from all bots can produce huge amounts of data within a short period of time. Any pattern that the bot/script produces that coincide with the data produced are banned pretty quickly.
  5. Different ip no issue. If no trades are made between both accounts, the main should be fine.
  6. Fagex does not wipe accounts afaik. You probably got phished and lost everything.
  7. Well the next biggest/trusted gold seller can set their price now. Expect gold to bump up a couple
  8. You can try mirror mode. Afterall it's just $10 for a month. Give it a try!
  9. Pretty good for a first script. Do a couple more null checks and work on conditional sleeps. I did much worse on my first script Cheers!
  10. Constructs a rectangular area using x and y coordinates from two separate positions. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Walking.html#webWalk-org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area...-
  11. There are no best methods, one can make good gp with a mediocre method. It's all about experimenting and understanding supply and demand. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide With regards to proxies, I would recommend 1 single ip if suiciding. And for private scripts, you can take a look here. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/334-private-scripts/
  12. You can use either if it’s efficient and comfortable. Anyway everything is all about preference.
  13. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/switch.html
  14. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/09/20/2-million-people-said-they-would-storm-area-51but-only-150-showed-up/#6c27c0f531b0 What a waste of time
  15. Botting tut island is probably a no go for you. Suicide botting for f2p usually gets you banned pretty quickly. 1 good measure is to mule regularly, have many accounts to sustain the multiple ban phase etc. Do some research before nose diving into gold farming. Good luck
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