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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. Interested to see this result, Have you ever blew off irl friends in order to hang out with online friends? I have a few times. Interested to see your responses.
  2. seems like an awesome goal my friend!
  3. pre-eoc, i had my acc ive had since 2004 bot 40-99 fishing doing f2p lobs
  4. Seems like a nice thing you're doing
  5. Name:SWAGMUFFIN Skype:MUFFINRS What you want to order:NEW SIG Colors:DONT CARE MAKE IT PRETTY
  6. Maybe if youre using a VPN its that ip? Idk im not good with botting :p
  7. i do 100% agree with this also a reason why im getting my post count up
  8. was an awesome goal dude!
  9. think the dl link is broken. gl though on jad.
  10. looks great man! will definitely use this!
  11. 28 TO GO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, also i plan on getting 99 def
  12. Am confirmed to win. 4 life.
  13. What Quest(s) Do you need done: Monkey Madness (Partial) Do you agree to the Terms of Service: Yes Have you added my skype username: Yes Payment method: RSGP Will you leave Feedback: Yes
  14. RoomScape, you are an inspiration. You are not afraid to be flamboyant and admit that you live an alternative lifestyle. I think you are one of the best gay chat boxers, and you are a great role model. I know some people probably don't understand, but i do.
  15. I use it, and i feel i do get better sleep. I used it toward the end of the schoolyear and it did help me a lot.
  16. Bought 07 for 2.5/m GREAT price and GREAT guy!
  17. Can confirm, Roomscape still paid out though, any further info needed please let us know
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