Changed the combat code to only search for new NPCS with > 50% health. Thank @Orlando Bloom for the suggestion. It will still auto attack the interacting dragon regardless of its health though. This applies to searching a new NPC only.
Added CLI start up with your GUI saved file "mySavedFile" Simply after your '-script' param add the name of your saved gui file (-script 898:mySavedFile) Thank all the users that requested this feature.
Added Myth Guild Portion to both GUIs. Still need feedback on this mode. It will use the 'Mythical Cape' to bank if its weilding or holding it in your inventory. Please note that the webwalker will need to be updated for this mode to work at this time. No ETA. wait for MGI [Until further notice this mode is BETA]. You can take it to the dragon area for it to do combat and pause when the inventory is full at this time. Thank @kidsteeze
Dealth-walking will now route to the closest bank & re gear instead of traveling a long route (ex. lumbridge to edgeville | falador respawn to edgeville)
Other implementations I forgot to include.
Code cleanup & maintenance. Thank @Chris
Other news
Looking to improve the Brutal dragons mode BETA *BLACK DRAGONS ONLY*
Looking into possible future additions such as Rune dragons, Lava dragons, and any other locations.
Currently making a thread with FAQ, Development Updates, Script Manual (how each mode works and best settings), Gear recommendations, and more.
VGY hosting site is down so my script thread image is not available sorry.
Thank you,