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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Script update v1.8 Script speed improvements to help catch those early interacts Fixed varrock course issue
  2. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    Still happening? Please submit a bug report. Make sure you have a ninja greegree equipped aswell. This should be fixed in the newest update v1.8 Please show me your data analysis on bot detection and determining 'bot like' behavior.
  3. My last update for brutals should have made it somewhat stable. Though there is a random issue with it randomly dying so im looking out for that. Try to look over it as u bot for now. As for the prayer potions make sure the prayer pots 4 are the first in your bank (e.g, pot 4- 1) order
  4. Start with the ruby bolts e equipped it will switch to diamond e at 55% health
  5. The last buy in for ETH was at ~82 / ea And sold for ~124 /ea
  6. if its so simple then people could make their own ?
  7. .83 if u pay with crypto .85 if paypal
  8. Thanks User has been banned. Sorry for your loss, should he wish to come back he will have to refund you fully.
  9. Please provide the Profile ID of the user on discord Follow this gifv https://i.imgur.com/aPSPrBs.gifv to copy a UID follow this gif https://i.imgur.com/yhUHOBG.gifv
  10. No. You need to provide all the necessary evidence. Closing in 24 hours if nothing is brought up.
  11. I've notified @Aaron of the dispute. @Aaron Please resolve this issue and return the account to him since you claim to be the original owner.
  12. This really isn't dispute material. If you do happen to come across this again then please only post if you have user evidence.
  13. You need to bump every 6 hours. Failure to follow the rule will have your thread locked.
  14. Chris


    He is only banned for 3 months. He did not scam anyone. Archived
  15. Verbal warning: Breakage of Rule 12 12. Market It is not allowed to tear apart a market thread. If someone wants to sell an account for $50, then it is not needed to post things like 'too expensive, wouldn't even buy for $20'. It is rude and unwanted. If you're not interested, then simply don't reply.
  16. Chris

    Excellent Agility

    read the top part of the main thread
  17. The Osbot Global TOS also applies
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