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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Have you tried the new Prayer API update in .108? Make sure to also compile on the new version.
  2. I'll take a look on how I will implement burry bones option Edit1* I will also take a look at this but this would but I can't guarantee it will always be able to attack steels if it resets aggro etc. Edit2* I'll add this edit: do you also want it to alch it? Done
  3. auto kys dies in runescape and instant type "good bye cruel world"
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/113073-dispute-spiderman/
  5. if open() if withdrawmode is note //withdraw else setToNote() else open()
  6. lol well for some reason sellItem doesnt work for me xD. I dunno man I guess you will have to make edits to the code
  7. Chris


    super mods suk! /s
  8. I don't really check the store reviews and not sure why he left a bad review if he has made over 24m 07 . Gold per hour varies by account stats and gear. With 60-60-50 + super set I was getting 308k an hour(Check my previous post about this + includes status report on how it achieved this). Obviously with a more beefy account you could achieve a higher gold per hour. Authed you a trial. @All Users can you update me? I made a ton of changes and v7.28 has been available for a week now. My post about it is here. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104463-premium-★-excellent-dragons-★-▐-multiple-locations▐-safespotting▐-potion-support▐-special-attack▐-anti-pk▐-deathwalking▐-more/?p=1275406
  9. buyItem is currently working for me now.
  10. Done. And to answer the questin I missed. Yes, it does safespot at green dragons, and you must start it at your safespot.
  11. have same issue but idk. never used ge api b4
  12. walk.walkPath() - walks a given path you set. walk.walk() - walks to a local tile that is on the minimap or gamescreen. Usually for short distances only. walking.webwalk() - creates its own advanced path to a given tile. It can use boatLinks, questLinks, and more. Mainly used for long distances or walking with a lot of obstacles. -Chris
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