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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. added an auth. I just got home
  2. me and my gang back from 2008 im middle
  3. 5 Hours Reauthed another 5 hours.
  4. Should be fixed in 7.4 Also doing other script maintenance. Have not pushed the update yet. Corp cave issue no longer exists. They have updated the cave exit so graveyardds are usable now since the bug is gone. Busy fixing the paint at the moment and adding more to the loot table and price table. So I can see a better reading on gold made.
  5. thanks for letting me know
  6. will take a look at both reports
  7. For steel dragons it does not bank. Because when I had it banking it the webwalker would idle too long during travel and the accounts would die
  8. I did not test bronze pick but my script is banking just fine. Make sure you compile your script with the new client build.
  9. it does not They are stable yes. I will be doing some new testing and release a new script build for all modes it will loot + bury the bones when you are at steel dragons
  10. no thank you this is unneeded behavior. Stop with the sexual harrassment on these forums. We dont need to see flashy dicks because kids use this forum when they come from runescape. This forum isnt just subjected to boys! USE YOUR HEADS IDIOT/S!
  11. Order Form: What do you need? : 2x quest order Payment method? : 07 gp Going first or middleman? : first What is your Skype? : osbotsinatra1 Do you agree to the TOS? : yes.
  12. I ordered this 3 weeks ago. waiting for it to come in. (coming from Japan)
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