I bothered to make a tut island account just to help you to improve your lying skills. As you can see in screenshot one once you kill one rat with the melee you can't kill another one it'll tell you to progress to do range.
Now once we kill the rat with range, it'll tell us to progress even further and it won't let us enter the cage again.
Told you You can't level up there.
Also as romfan above suggested how would we check the stats of the accounts if they're banned? the stats get reset to 1.
Lastly I don't think you knew this before you came up with your OMG I GOT HIM 8 STR STORY THEREFORE IT'S LEGIT. You can only get Level 3 on any skill and then it gets capped whilst at tut island. you can see my stats there and the amount of cooked shrimps I have proves that I am technically meant to be level 4
Next time come up with a better story bud.
P.S If it makes you feel better, you can report my RSN