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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Saiyan

  1. Negative deleted Thanks for the co-operation and sorry for your other losses.
  2. Saiyan


    Ran again and died again on jad wave
  3. Saiyan


    Script died at jad :xfeels: didnt record tho but basically it was attacking healers then it ran under jad and it fukd up a switch and ded when jad had 20 hp left
  4. succ 4 auth?

    1. Token


      whats a succ

    2. Saiyan


      let's find out ;)

  5. You will be TWC until further investigation is conducted. Thank you for closing the dispute though.
  6. Placed him in twc and asked him to respond.
  7. Saiyan


    Use that revolver u showed me and aim for the brain
  8. Thanks for your co-operation @@Spookz. I'll remove your TWC in a short while.
  9. @Spookz is that gif which I've hidden the refund to Nestlo? If it is, we'll have to wait for Nestlo to confirm.
  10. Dont make me whip out the Screenshots boi
  11. Its a rule that's has been enforced for ages, that's the whole point of account reselling. The person who resells it last is the one who is responsible. For example if I sold you an xbox and you resold it on eBay. Let's say it broke 10 days after the sale and the reason it broke was due to me eBay aren't going to care if you blame it on me the OO they'll force you to refund and consequences will follow. I know this isn't your fault, but that's literally the risk of reselling the accounts. I don't think a partial refund will be applicable HOWEVER if Nestlo agrees to it then sure. The 35M refund offer will still be due at this moment of time unless Nestlo states otherwise.
  12. This^ The 970 is great but you'd be better off with a 1060 than a 970 tbh lol and the price difference is minimal/negligible
  13. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/xHqTZ8 my pc @@Alek
  14. He's already bought an i7 6700k and a samsung 960 evo and a h100i cooler i believe :p
  15. amd cpu? worth less than the source code of my broken bdk
  16. Ok, you will have 2 weeks to refund 42M Osrs and 88M RS3 and once you refund RSJackpot, your negative feedback will be removed however you will gain a neutral in it's place.
  17. For your own stupidity and carelessness, you will be required to refund the amount that RSJackpot and his colleague stocked onto the account. This is because you decided to give the details to Tiber. Why would you give him the details? Why not tell him to go ask RSJackpot it clearly is so obvious that what he was doing is fishy. Just because he is your friend, you don't give him privileges that he shouldn't have. You literally aided him scamming and hence making you responsible also. 112m 07 and 150M RS3 You'll be refunding that amount and I'll let RSJackpot decide how much days to give you.
  18. Spookz has 48 hours to refund you
  19. If the account's email/password was changed and the account also was, how did you gain access to this email from Jagex?
  20. @Nestlo can you confirm you have possession of the account? If the account is still in your possession, The only person who could have changed the email password would be Snowman. Was the email also sold to you?
  21. I've asked RSJackpot to reply. But surely, if he asked you for access to the accounts you should have declined him? Why would you give him access unless your boss RSJackpot could give him access himself? It's common sense.. You literally gave him the means to scam those accounts.
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