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$500.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. Farewell Glad you started enjoying RS again. You should chronicle your journey back into legit hood with videos on YT. could be a cool series
  2. partner's however CAN be bad. be careful who you trust and make sure you definitely vet them before hand. don't just jump into something without research and a solid game plan. also when you have a partner you will need to know how you will split profits and such. Also make sure they don't try and steal your ideas and run off or try and take your scripts, or methods. mine did that, he was Austrian and decided to go off and scam a few people and then he ended up banned, also went off with a few scripts I had juggles and team cape make for me :-(. TL:DR Be careful.
  3. Hi. I am paying for an Forum Avatar image for myself to be created and also for a Full Signature art piece to be created. If you’ve done premium work please PM me.
  4. But you were banned from Osbot while using it... ??
  5. *shitpost* I'd like to thank you for representing Critical Role. Fjord is lit. I mean it's still a great forum... you can always hand train accounts, etc. and do Powerleveling services by hand.. xD
  6. damn this really spoke to me as a guide. +1
  7. G2A is horrid. Just sign up with PayPal man, it’s not too horrible. sorry you lost $27 ;-(
  8. I’ve got to be doing something horribly wrong.. my shit don’t even last a day sometimes. ??
  9. Yeah I’ll purchase a signature and a Forum avatar
  10. He has 75 positive feedback mate. Don't piss in the well before you even get offers, otherwise your just gunna come out with dirty water.
  11. Hoping someone gets angry again, goes to preheat popcorn.
  12. I remember when they were fetching 100-120mil each.. 80 mil is a steal. @micboy999 I would say go for the 80mil offer.
  13. Runecrafting is notoriously been known to get you banned while botting. It is just one of those cursed skills. about 27.89% higher rate of a ban then any other. But if you must, just make you check WC xp every 5 seconds, should lower your chances of a ban by 13.37%.
  14. Knuckolls

    Gold Prices

    Looks like its time to start farming again... Too bad my computer died
  15. Exactly! So wait... you only have 1 eye left? Sheesh he really did make you angry.
  16. Oh it’s not competitive at all. 3M/HR is the going rate. I just was being an ass ??
  17. Well there goes the ears...
  18. Psshh other sites don’t exists ??
  19. nice man! glad you've got a friend that helped you out. hopefully you can get it to 100b profit soon!
  20. Hi




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