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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. exactly!! also helps someone as a business person know how to properly alleviate any worry for future customers because you can see what spiked disputes in the past.
  2. true, true. lol, sometime I read through archived disputes to see people just yelling about each other. ?
  3. the how to bot shit-posting today is just phenomenal...
  5. that's quite a lot of previous offences.....
  6. I understand that. I think I misinterpreted what I was trying to say. although I like to hand train accounts.
  7. Good Luck with the plan! hopefully you'll be able to rake in a few million GP to help cover the monthly installments. and at least with 2 bots you'll be able to learn how to better your chances and observe what gets an account banned, etc.
  8. Interesting.. Thank you for posting about this. most likely, glad I switched ISP's.
  9. speaking of this.... I'll make you an account. PM me.... I may not have a lot of feedback but my pride and joy is creating accounts and questing ^__^ (I wont scam you XD I don't wanna lose my shiny Pips XD)
  10. @D Bolter ^Try this guy out :-P ^
  11. This is the greatest "you'll lose everything" Script ever. Like you'll potentially get banned and you'll lose your RSGP. XD
  12. Knuckolls

    Using OSBot

    Good luck ^__^ and happy botting!
  13. I would definitely say work with @D Bolter I'm still setting everything up for my business venture #2 but he/she seems like the person to go to. Good luck with your Bot farm adventure. You should make a thread in the Botting/Bans section and document everything with a "Captains Log". Definitely always great to see beginners or returning members start up farms. Hope you evade the bans. I would also say hit up @Night For automated accounts. I just purchased 25 from Him and I got my accounts within minutes.
  14. Massive props for the Lucy drop. +1
  15. Here's the sub forum for Scripting help. Just start reading and learning as much as you can https://osbot.org/forum/forum/250-tutorials/
  16. This is why I hand train accounts now. It sucks because its hand training... but meh
  17. Answer: This PC>C Drive>Users>(Your User)>OSBot>Scripts Cheers mate, answered this in your other thread but yeah have fun
  18. Are you on Win 10 or Win 7? If your on 7 I can't help ya with the download move, unfortunately all the systems I work on are Win 10. I would just say send it as a shortcut to your desktop. Also by the way, you can't adjust the size. unfortunately that's the only size you get that I know of. (I may be wrong) Lastly, if you get VIP+ you can mirror mode which then will allow you to mirror off a tab that is larger. Anywhoooo your welcome man, I'm in Japan currently so I am awake when the West is asleep. I'm glad most of your issues got figured out. Have a great night man, and have fun
  19. Restart your machine and then try again BTW - I'm an Information Technician by trade, if I cant help you with this without really knowing much then I need to quit my job. Also:
  20. Firstly, Welcome to OsBot Secondly, Alright so take the download and delete it. Reinstall but this time make sure you save it wherever you want it. Also why is your downloads not letting you move it. and I'm not a tech savvy person but you might not have the OSBot\Scripts due to it not being fully installed on your system. I would say just nix the copy you have and try again. I'll try and replicate your situation and report back to you in a moment. Hold tight. ? **UPDATE** Alright I'm back with a plate of pizza rolls, so when you installed the Osbot Jar 2.5.8 did you try and drag onto your desktop or into another folder? because mine was okay to do that. I sent a shortcut to my desktop and moved the whole folder out of downloads to its on folder called "Osbot Files" Just right click and create a folder and try that. On your second issue, have you logged into the launcher yet and had it install web walking and actually up get to the welcome screen? Thirdly for your path to find the scripts folder: Go to your C drive, then users, (your user), then OSbot, then you'll see the folder called Scripts. Hope this helps somewhat. Sorry your having trouble
  21. So editing isn't that time consuming, and if you are starting from scratch you won't have to commit to a release schedule, therefore there isn't a expectation to meet from an audience. Also you could just aim for recording while you play with commentary and then releasing maybe a 15-20 minute video 1 time every week. I say go for it man!
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