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by Czar
There are no instructions. We do the all the work for you. CzarScriptingβ’
Make sure to set food in your setup window!
Don't bot more than 12 hours a day! It's not humanlike!
- All locations supported, including Crab Claw Isle
- Banking support
- All combat types supported (ranged, all ammo + ranging types, including looting)
- Activity Slider -- choose 4 different activity settings from: (Afk my position, Afk any generated position, Attack visible/active crabs only, Full activity/attack all)
- Aggression Slider -- choose from 4 different aggression settings: (Only retaliate to crabs, Attack people's crabs when none are found, Attack all crabs, ONLY attack other people's crabs)
- Tasked levelling - allows you to set level goals and switch attack styles to raise different skills, e.g. set goals to 50 70 70, from current stats 44 51 55, it will reach the goal stats.
- Skill Priority: you can choose in which order to raise the stats, e.g. lowest first, nearest to goal first, top->bottom, bottom->top, level-up evenly, etc.
- Customized Stop Conditions: stop script when a certain condition is met, e.g. reached goal stats, killed X crabs, time passed, ran out of equipment, items, etc.
- Simple (on user's side) inventory layout chooser consistent with all my scripts -> 1 button copies inventory layout and saves it
- World hop support, with player count chooser
-- World hop customization: allows you to choose which tile to hop worlds from
-- Break tile chooser: allows you to choose which tile to break on, ~3 minutes before breaks trigger
- 'Non-botting' mode (very popular): allows you to afk the script and technically not bot at all: the script will display jframe popups (and beep) when crabs are no longer aggressive which will prompt the user to manually refresh the crabs by walking up
- Item looting, including rare drop table option
- Potion support (all potion types)
- Crab refreshing by walking out of the region
Coming soon
Anti-Crash detection (still need to pump out beta version)