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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/13 in all areas

  1. Where the fuck is your response to all this. Just going to sit and ignore all your costumers? That is bad business. Do your job or get a new one kids. Or at least show that you care at least somewhat about this site other than the fees we pay you, by at least acknowledging theres a problem..
    6 points
  2. I made a very simple step by step tutorial on how to decompile your client and update the bot by hand. Even a 10 year old could do it.
    5 points
  3. Hey gh0st while you're on, get off.
    4 points
  4. Hello everyone, While I have been busy working on the taxes for OSBot time has not been standing still. OSBot 2 is nearly at the stage where we can start porting and transferring the old features available in the current BETA of OSBot. We will be starting porting those features next week. Once this has been partially done we will start by testing and profiling the bot so far. This will point us towards the truth how much more efficient the new structure and design will be and show us the main bottlenecks. I have reserved several different machines at university to do testing at a larger scale, this will give us some nice results. After that we will be starting to focus on some new features to make sure that besides improved features and stability, performance and reliability we also have some new things to make you a happier and more successful botter. Think about a page where you can monitor your bots in real time and perform several actions such as closing, stopping, restarting bots. And for developers, real time data about the usage of your bot. Run time, current online users, gathered experience. Automatic updates when RS updates, the option to auto-download updates instead of downloading the client again on every update of us. And maybe the best of all, have the bot client automatically restart your bots after a system update! Please stay patient, OSBot 2 is something we don't want to rush and is aiming to take all positive things from the BETA and change, improve and/or work around the things that didn't perform as we might have wanted. Therefore we will have to take our time. Sometime this week I'll take some time again and see what updates are required for the currently available BETA. Stay tuned, OSBot.org
    3 points
  5. Lol @ these 4 year olds thinking a ToS is going to save them. You honestly think that if some random drug dealer has a site selling crack, which has a ToS that states that cops can't go on that site, that cops won't fuck that kid in the ass
    3 points
  6. You're dumb and immature to first of all talk about a girl that way "bitch" etc and secondly I don't know if English is your mother tongue , it isn't mine either but your language and grammar scares me as fuck. Furthermore the girl has feelings and is not caring about the pixels but about THE PERSON BEHIND THE SCREEN which I'd advise you to do so also. She's not dumb but very kind and mature.
    3 points
  7. It irritates me knowing that this website charges monthly and cannot take the time to update their product after two days, we haven't received any feedback from them about this issue and in all honestly they might as well be asleep. Admins give us some feedback, let us know what on earth you are doing.
    3 points
  8. the only thing they should be working on is fixing the bot lol :p
    3 points
  9. The fact that OsBots devs cant find time after near 48 hours to update the freaking bot is just retarded...
    3 points
  10. other botting client updated in less than 5 hours within the update. Osbot takes more than 24 hours. SAD
    3 points
  11. Well school doesn't pay us to go to school ><
    2 points
  12. he didnt say he has the skills to make a bot, nor does he own a site orientated around a bot which promises "On the dime updates" All you staff members come up with the same bullshit answers because you have no idea when the devs will even come online at all.
    2 points
  13. Wow. That was a really good guide. I managed to get it working in 5 minutes! Thanks man.
    2 points
  14. Dis XP waste, lolz.
    2 points
  15. 1 point
  16. Update the bot you slacking fucks, this is a joke. Kkty.
    1 point
  17. An extra 5-10 days for the client being offline for about 24 hours? Okay. How about your school decides to give you 10 days more into the summer because you got 1 snow day in the winter? Sound good?
    1 point
  18. You, you sir, want 5-10 days free VIP cuz bot is offline for 1 day? Seems legit.
    1 point
  19. This arguement is pointless, PERIOD
    1 point
  20. You guys think about OSBot 2, haha first fix this one.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Sorry guys, teeth are hurting way to bad for doing this right now.. later okay Thanks for stopping by!
    1 point
  23. Lawl played the video and got rick rolled. Gooood shit!
    1 point
  24. i didnt say they shld design one, the one we have now related to halloween a friend of mine i know made it im sure he or some1 else could make a thanksgiving one and raflesia would switch it out There's no way to make a theme that's related to thanksgiving, we can find a custom prepared theme to install in our Forums but that'd be it. Are you talking about a logo or the theme?
    1 point
  25. This is so true! Pick up your bloody game OSBot!! I know your working on OSBot2 and I understand that. However it is no reason to take this long in updating the client. Sure, 10 hours would be acceptable. But over 24? Something needs to change. And the lack of support and replies we are getting from admins and devs just shows how much needs to change. I mean, there hasn't even been an announcement by an admin or dev MENTIONING the downtime.
    1 point
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