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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 MM an account trade for me. thx alot ;) Royal Services Royal Services
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 MiddleManned my trade <3 Awesome and Fast. Swaq Swaq
OrcaYamadeh OrcaYamadeh 12/06/13 sold him osbot vip thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 Bought another from him, this time osbot VIP! OrcaYamadeh OrcaYamadeh
Yek Yek 12/06/13 bought 1m 07 from me via pp, ty :) Divica Divica
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 Cheap, comfortable trade. Fast as well. Much appreciated. Jackyboy114 Jackyboy114
WakeyJ WakeyJ 12/06/13 Really smooth guy, sold me 17m thanks! Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 Sold him 17m. Good stuff WakeyJ WakeyJ
spitzer4354 spitzer4354 12/06/13 Sold him a lot fresh level 3's :) nice guy Probemas Probemas
Gucci Mane Gucci Mane 12/06/13 Sold me 5m, really cool guy! Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 Sold him 5m. Solid person, quick transaction overall! Gucci Mane Gucci Mane
Probemas Probemas 12/06/13 Have bought over 25 accounts from him. Really nice guy, fast and easy! :) spitzer4354 spitzer4354
Divica Divica 12/06/13 Great Seller/BUYER!!!!!!!! lolboll lolboll
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 Bought 12$ credit fast and east trade :) Thanks. OrcaYamadeh OrcaYamadeh
Probemas Probemas 12/06/13 Sold me 4 accounts, great guy and no problems with trades. Cobwebster Cobwebster
De Houthakker De Houthakker 12/06/13 he sold me 10m fast and smooth thanks BawsZ BawsZ
kellyann kellyann 12/06/13 Lent me an account for a script - Overall a trustworthy kind person CarsonT CarsonT
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 I went first, he payed as fast as possible. De Houthakker De Houthakker
Yek Yek 12/06/13 i gave him the code and he logged from skype therefore scammed dallas420 dallas420
sir wobblez sir wobblez 12/06/13 bought 1 bond from me for 07gp, ty :) Divica Divica
CarsonT CarsonT 12/06/13 Let him use my char, that doesnt have a bank pin. trust able nice guy kellyann kellyann
Divica Divica 12/06/13 Bought a bond for him went fast even though he had to wait for me. Patient. sir wobblez sir wobblez
Divica Divica 12/06/13 brought 2 bonds i went first went smooth ty willymcsemen willymcsemen
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 Bought $4 voucher, thanks :) Nickelodeon Nickelodeon
BawsZ BawsZ 12/06/13 MM'd 40m rsgp that i bought from Mr Asshole for Moneypak thx bro Theodore Theodore
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