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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
L S D L S D 12/07/13 done waterfall on eoc and 07 + tut island a++ thanks BawsZ BawsZ
Deedar Deedar 12/07/13 Sold him 2007 gold, thanks very much! DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 12/07/13 Bought 4.5M off him, vouch! Deedar Deedar
mirage mirage 12/07/13 Let him on my account to do puzzle! did for free. jordanoio jordanoio
Kittens Kittens 12/07/13 Bought a freshh lvl 3 ty DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 12/07/13 Sold me a level 3 thanks bro! Kittens Kittens
DaBoss DaBoss 12/07/13 Bought a 10$ RP card! Fast & Easy SwaglordBasedGod SwaglordBasedGod
Probemas Probemas 12/07/13 Was fast, easy, and nice. Will do business again. Kyle Kyle
Divica Divica 12/07/13 good service Pontray Pontray
Divica Divica 12/07/13 sold 15m went smooth Fuzzyy Fuzzyy
Probemas Probemas 12/07/13 Gave me a free level 3 ty Kittens Kittens
2pac 2pac 12/07/13 Sold him a pin, he went first :) Probemas Probemas
Probemas Probemas 12/07/13 bought a pin 2.2mil 2pac 2pac
Divica Divica 12/07/13 Really friendly, fast service, and very good overall Max Envy Max Envy
remon97 remon97 12/07/13 Sold him an account, he went first tyvm Celeos Celeos
Celeos Celeos 12/07/13 Awesome fast and smooth, fully trusted remon97 remon97
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 I Gave 8m for $20 credit, he was very patient with me and gave the $20 credit.=) NoahTheWeebWolf NoahTheWeebWolf
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 sold 5m to my baby, hes my babe, ultra babe domdom domdom
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 bought another few millions thanks mate<3 Temponinja Temponinja
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/06/13 sold him gold, quick and nice :) pitoluwa pitoluwa
Corey Corey 12/06/13 sold him a bond for 07 gp Pink Clay Pink Clay
Slunse Slunse 12/06/13 Bought an lvl 3 account fast & smooth. A++ Fruit Bat Fruit Bat
Fruit Bat Fruit Bat 12/06/13 smood trade thx Slunse Slunse
Swaq Swaq 12/06/13 bought his account. thanks alot ;) Royal Services Royal Services
Royal Services Royal Services 12/06/13 After all was said and done, trade was legit and awesome. <3 Swaq Swaq
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