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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Excell Excell 12/08/13 Sold a fresh level 3. Sorry for wasting time <3 Swaq Swaq
ArcSector ArcSector 12/07/13 boughta acc he said it was banned didnt show proof and said i had to pay more runebotter runebotter
Feelmercy Feelmercy 12/07/13 Sold him a level three, thank you <3 Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 12/07/13 Bought a fresh lvl 3 off him fast and legit. Thanks bro Feelmercy Feelmercy
Probemas Probemas 12/07/13 Sold me a level 3, thank you. Cinnamon Cinnamon
Bob Barker Bob Barker 12/07/13 Bought 13M off him. I went first (PayPal). Fast and fair trade. Thanks. Someluser Someluser
Someluser Someluser 12/07/13 Sold him 13m, he went first. Went smooth Bob Barker Bob Barker
ejamesc ejamesc 12/07/13 Sold him a bond, thanks! Deedar Deedar
Deedar Deedar 12/07/13 sold me a bond ty scottjol scottjol
Deedar Deedar 12/07/13 Bought a bond for 1.3m OSRS. Quick, fast, and reliable. Will be coming back. ejamesc ejamesc
scottjol scottjol 12/07/13 Sold him a bond, thanks! Deedar Deedar
pur3z pur3z 12/07/13 Sold him 5M OSGP! Fast and smooth thanks! Deedar Deedar
BawsZ BawsZ 12/07/13 bought bond and all went fine :) karppa karppa
Deedar Deedar 12/07/13 Bought 5m, quick process pur3z pur3z
BawsZ BawsZ 12/07/13 Great guy to work with was super fast Lttt Lttt
LIAMM LIAMM 12/07/13 Bought 1M off him. I went first (PayPal). Fast and fair trade. Thanks. Someluser Someluser
Someluser Someluser 12/07/13 Sold 1m 07 - fast & trusted he went first LIAMM LIAMM
Torvan Torvan 12/07/13 did quest for me fast and legit ausbear ausbear
saanteeh saanteeh 12/07/13 sold him upgrade , thanks Violent Violent
Violent Violent 12/07/13 awesome guy sold me a upgrade fast and easy! saanteeh saanteeh
forgoodtoyou forgoodtoyou 12/07/13 Ty For 20m trade Easy! I GIVE FIRST! rsbot321 rsbot321
BawsZ BawsZ 12/07/13 Sold 25m, fast and easy! Thanks again mate! spitzer4354 spitzer4354
spitzer4354 spitzer4354 12/07/13 bouht his 25m thnx BawsZ BawsZ
2pac 2pac 12/07/13 sold me an account for 10m through MM JakePully JakePully
JakePully JakePully 12/07/13 sold him an acc nice and easy quick for 10mil 2pac 2pac
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